8 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Give Up On Long Distance
Although long distance relationships can be challenging, it can be worth it with the right person. Believe it or not, being in a long distance relationship can even be advantageous and here are 8 reasons why.
In any long distance relationship, there will come a time where things get tough, moments that make you question whether or not it's all worth it. Whether it's a fight due to miscommunication or the plane ride back home wondering when you will see them again, no relationship comes without its challenges. It's how you cope with these challenges, that will allow you to strengthen your relationship and make all the struggle worthwhile in the end. Keep reading for the 8 reasons why you shouldn't give up on your long distance relationship.
1. Trust Has Never Been Stronger
Being in a long distance relationship means trusting each other, even when you don't always know what the other one is doing. Trust is essential and will bring you closer together even across distance. You have no other choice but to trust each other wholeheartedly and this is beneficial to any relationship.
2. There Is Always Something To Talk About
Not being together all hours of the day works out for you in this case and makes for some of the best conversations in the world. There's nothing better than conversing for hours about each others days and ranting about the most random things imaginable. At the end of a long day, you always have someone to vent your heart out to even when it means no sleep for either of you.
3. You Experience The Best Of Both Worlds
You get to experience all the wonderful perks of being in a relationship while also being able to do your own thing. You are both apart of each other's worlds and that makes the experience all the better. It's a great feeling when you both genuinely care about each other and are able to share your best times and your worst times.
4. You Will Become Stronger
Distance creates obstacles in the sense that you won't always have the immediate support of your significant other when something goes wrong. Even though you want a shoulder to cry on, sometimes you won't always have that. However, through this, you will be able to learn to deal with problems on your own more effectively and make the most out of what you have. When the time does come when you finally do close the distance, you'll both be the strongest versions of yourselves, making for an even stronger relationship.
5. Technology Is Always On Your Side
With modern technology, long distance relationships don't involve writing letters or patiently waiting by the landline every time you want to talk. Now no matter where you are, your loved one is only a call, text, email, Snapchat, FaceTime, or Skype away and being in long distance relationship has never been more convenient.
6. Care Packages
Need I say more? Whether it be a box full of your favorite snacks or a hoodie that smells just like your S/O, there is nothing better than receiving something in the mail meant for you. There's something that's just so romantic about love letters in the mail and knowing your love spans over the farthest distances. Care packages are just one of the many ways to show your affection for each other.
7. That Moment When You Finally See Them
You may find yourself counting the months, weeks, days, minutes and sometimes even seconds until you can see your significant other again. When you finally see them again nothing else in the world matters and it's one of the best feelings in the world. To finally spend time with them again after so long may feel weird at first but after a few minutes, it's as if you've never been apart. While you're together you make every second together count because you both know how fast time flies.
8. In The End You Can Say You Made It
When you finally close the distance gap, you can both genuinely say you've been through it all. Nothing puts a relationship more to the test than distance, and now that you're finally together you know you can make it through anything.