'That Kind Of Girl'
We need to stop saying the kind of people we're not and look at the kind of people we are.
I can't recall a time growing up when I was so confident in myself that I did not question myself in almost every situation.
Making friends was something I loved doing, but I never felt like I was the kind of girl people would love being friends with.
The Regina Georges of high school and middle school and even elementary school were never like me. They seemed to have it so easy, but that confidence they got, I know now, is at the price of being a good person.
It doesn't mean it was easy being the good person— the student with the good grades, the wonky glasses, or the acne. And as you got older, you realized you're not the one guys go after.
Every crush you had? Never had a crush on you. And whenever you tried to make the first move, you somehow always managed to get rejected.
I have tried to put myself out there for several years now with different guys and each time I failed miserably. For my friends, it was always so easy. They had boyfriends all throughout our teenage years. I would sit there and offer love advice I didn't even have a good foundation on.
And you find yourself telling yourself, "I guess I'm just not that kind girl, not the kind guys like."
And that's toxic. We can't do this.
I have friends who have been cheated on or hurt by guys and they say the same thing, "I'm not the kind of girl who a guy wants."
I have friends who go after internships or opportunities and instead of uplifting themselves, they say, "Oh. I probably won't get it. I'm not the kind of person they're looking for."
We need to stop saying the kind of people we're not and look at the kind of people we are.
We need to stop saying that we're "not the kind of girl" because we ARE.
We are ENOUGH for anyone and those people who hurt us have no right to.
They don't deserve the power of making us feel like we deserved that pain because we're the kind of people who fall under it either because we're not pretty enough, smart enough or good enough....because we are.
We're the kind of girls that can set this world on fire because we know the value of confidence. When it wasn't there, we needed to rely on ourselves, and that makes us some strong fighters.<3