12 Things Only People Under 30 Fully Understand
Only young millennials and Gen Z will know
Being a young adult in 2019 is full of a lot of random stuff that our parents and grandparents didn't have. We have more opportunities, different lifestyles, and just really weird stuff we always thought as normal.
Our obsession with avocados
A super food with a huge place in our hearts.
College debt
An actual representation of me giving colleges my money, with no questions asked.
Buying jeans with holes in them
A sort of sibling to the meme, but powerful in its own right.
Spending five dollars on coffee
Not a want, but a need
YouTube/Instagram influencers
They make the world go round.
Mason jars as cups, decorations basically anything that isn’t for their intended purpose.
So versatile
Our love of succulents
Why have kids when you could have ten cute succulents that don't talk back.
Renting instead of buying
Besides have like no actual financial stability, we prefer to live less conventional lives than our predecessors.
Our imminent downfall as a society
We never grew up in a time of prosperity, and also know the earth may be dying unless we make a significant change to how we treat it. I guess that’s what happens after we treat it like shit.
Being non-binary or gender fluid
A new concept where people don't have to conform to gender norms or even acknowledge them.