Student Life
40 Daily Reasons To Want To Live For Those Who Don't Want To
For those who are finding it difficult to find them.
11 April 2019
Julie Myers
Life can be rough and it can seem like things are only going wrong. We tend to focus on the negative things in life, and as soon as one bad thing happens to start the day off, it begins a snowball for how the rest of the day. Each bad thing seems to add up and up until you can't stop it. However, oftentimes we look over all the little good things that can happen in a day. We forget that with as much bad as there is, there is just as much good not just in a day but in life in general. Here is a list of the little things that are often overlooked.
1. When the song ends right when you get home
2. When you get an ice-cold drink of water after a hot outdoor practice
3. When you finally remember the word that was sitting on the tip of your tongue all day
4. When you find a song before it becomes famous
5. When you're half awake and your significant other snuggles you even tighter
6. When you make a joke so good that everyone stays laughing for an extended period of time
7. Waking up to a perfect skin day
8. Waking up to "morning skinny"
9. Crawling into a freshly cleaned and made bed after a long day
10. The feeling of freshly shaved legs on freshly cleaned sheets
11. When you're thinking about how much you want to hear a song and you switch the station and it starts playing
12. Waking up to the warm sun shining through white curtains and a fan on so your sheets stay chilly
13. The first moment you get to see your family after spending a long time away at school or at boot camp
14. The feeling of drinking hot coffee or hot chocolate and feeling the warmth of it travel down your throat and into your chest
15. The feeling of sticking your hand out of a car window and doing wave motions in the air
16. When someone tells you to listen to a song because it reminded them of you
17. When your puppy willingly comes in your room at night for cuddles
18. The first warm day after weather has been cold
19. Checking something off a To-Do list
20. When you get a good grade after working really hard for it
21. Predicting what time it is, then checking your phone to see you're exactly right
22. The balance of energy and exhaustion you feel after a long run
23. Reaching the last page of a novel
24. Reading a novel in general and expanding your personal universe, even just a little bit
25. Connecting with students or those younger than you and consequently feeling wise and ageless
26. Creating a cheesecake that doesn't sink in the middle
27. When one song you're listening to transitions perfectly into the next
28. When you find a song you've been searching for just by a lyric you remembered
29. Flipping your pillow over to the cold side
30. Finally hearing the one song you hoped your favorite band would play at the concert
31. Taking time to sit down and watch the snow fall
32. When you're driving down the road, the sun is shining, and it's peaceful - almost surreal
33. Speeding down a country road with your windows down on a hot summer day
34. Finding a song you can't ever get tired of
35. When you walk outside and the breeze is a perfect compliment to the warmth of the sun
36. When you go to a do a chore only to realize your past self did it earlier and you had forgotten, meaning you don't have to do it now
37. When you wake up and realize you still have plenty of time to go back to sleep before your alarm
38. When you can rap the entire song seamlessly
39. When someone finally says they understand you after something you have been holding back because no one before ever seemed to understand
40. When someone gets you and what you're feeling so well you don't even have to say a word
- Make your own list today. End each day thinking of at least five positive things that happened in the day, no matter how small. Make a conscious effort to change the way your mind thinks so that you focus on the positive and look for that instead of the negative. There are plenty of things out there to look for – you just have to look.
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