Student Life
10 Thoughts Everyone Has When Taking Summer Classes
Sadly, sometimes summer means taking summer classes.
21 May 2019
For some people, summer means going on vacations and sleeping in whenever your heart desires. For others, it means taking at least one summer class, which leads to having certain thoughts that I'm sure have crossed your mind at least once if you have taken summer courses.
"Sorry, I can't go out. I have to study for five hours tonight."
"Do I really need this class?"
"I should be at home right now and not in a three hour afternoon lecture."
"That's funny. The syllabus didn't mention a group project."
"Maybe the professor won't actually take up the entire three hours of this class."
"Okay, so maybe the professor will take up the entire three hours."
"I wonder what it feels like to not have homework in the summer."
"Remind me not to sign up for summer classes ever again."
"What's that- free time for myself? Never heard of it."
"It's a six week course, it cant be that accelerated, right?"
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