Surviving Singleness
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Surviving Singleness

Surviving Singleness

The Single Season can feel like an eternity. Like every season in our life, it has both highs and lows. Learning how to survive the lows will teach you how to enjoy the highs. The only way to survive ANYTHING is you gotta learn how to Fight! Here are 5 ways to fight and survive Singleness!

5 very helpful hints to Surviving Singleness.

1 Timothy 6:11, 12a

But you, (wo)man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

1. Righteousness: You made the mistake now LET IT GO!

a.Righteousness means to be free from guilt or sin. Many of us are still operating in our past relationship sins. We are still bound by the mistakes we’ve made and the past failures we’ve experienced. We have caused ourselves to miss out on the opportunity to walk in the newness of Christ. Ok so he was a jerk… you knew it when he asked for your number. Get over the mistakes you made while dating and enjoy the freedom of forgiveness. Stop holding yourself hostage to the foolishness of your past! You are now free to live Righteously!

2.Godliness: If you can’t dedicate your time to God how will you dedicate your time to a man?

a.Our season of singleness is an opportunity to fine tune some of our godly qualities. We will learn how to submit to our future husbands by learning how to submit first to God. Not only does this prepare us but it also removes the focus on our singleness. We don’t have time to feel lonely when we are serving God with our time and talents. Matthew 25:31-46 reminds us that what we do for the least of these we do for the Lord. So we should be out serving those that are less fortunate. From volunteering at a local shelter to collecting supplies for the homeless, there are several opportunities to get out and serve! Remember…Ruth was out gleaning for food when Boaz spotted her. Just something to think about.

b. Submission! This is a bad word in women’s circles. We don’t want to talk about it although it’s a part of God’s design. During this season of singleness, we can submit ourselves to the Lord and get in some good practice for submitting to our future husbands. If God can’t get you to do something for Him, how will a husband get you to make him a sandwich on game day??? Marriage is hard and we are going to have to learn to humble and submit ourselves to an imperfect man, we have to learn to get close to a perfect God to give you guidance and strength. We have to learn to hear his voice in order to be successful in this area.

3. Faith: In the words of George Michaels “You gotta have faith” *if you don’t know who that is don’t worry…Google does, and has a really cool video*

a.You have to remember that “God is working it out for your good!” I know it sounds cliché but it’s the gospel truth… no really it is. Romans 8:28 reminds us that ALL THINGS, not just some things, but ALL THINGS work together for the good of those who love God. We are Daughters of the Most High. God is working it out on our behalf. We can survive singleness when we realize that rejection is protection and that God is closing doors to lead us towards the right one. It’s not hard finding a man, that’s the easy part. Finding a good one is and it’s even harder when you’re with the wrong one. Be patient and remember that it’s working in your favor.

b.Speak Life! We’ve always heard that what we put out into the universe comes back to us. When we send out negative vibes we feel the effect. In order to survive the season we have to start to speak life. Call those things that are not as though they are (Romans 4:17). That’s the Word as well. Our words are powerful and through our faith we must speak God’s Word over our life. Stop speaking negative. You have defeated yourself before you started.

c.Faith that God will never leave nor forsake you in this season. The enemy will make you feel alone but God has not forgotten. This is when we learn to truly trust God’s Word.

d.Faith is all about believing. We have to look beyond where we are and see where God is taking us. Yes, we may be single but God is taking us into marriage. The enemy wants you to focus on the realities instead of walking in faith. The enemy loves seeing us walk in fear and not faith.


4.Love: This is the season to learn what TRUE LOVE looks like.

a.We throw the word around but very few really knows what it really looks like. Abuse, hurt, pain, mistreatment isn’t love. A man who disrespects us isn’t love. The only way to truly know what love looks like is to see how God loves us. Once we learn that we can love ourselves and others. When we love ourselves we won’t accept the enemy’s poor replica of love. We will know exactly what it should look and feel like. God doesn’t send us PROJECTS… He sends us PROTECTION and a COVERING.

5.Patience and Gentleness: The final point is Patience and Gentleness… AND IT’S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!

a.I believe we have to learn to be patient during this season. Although we do have to be patient and wait on God for our husband, I mean patient with ourselves. We will make mistakes. We may feel lonely sometimes. We will get sick of seeing other couples and we will get sick of girls night. Guess what… that’s OK! It’s ok to feel your feelings. It’s what you do with them that matters. Will you become bitter or will you prepare and become better. Will you fuss and complain or will you use this time to serve the Lord? Give yourself space to learn and grow in this season. We have more patience with others than we do with our self. We have to be able to laugh at ourselves and then offer forgiveness… TO OURSELVES!

Hagar’s Affirmation
I am a Daughter of the Most High. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am beautiful, whole, and complete. Everything I need can be found in and provided by my Father. I don’t have to beg for anything or anyone’s attention. I realize that I am the prize, the good thing to be found. I will not beg for scraps when I know that my Father has prepared a table for me. I am empowered, encouraged, educated and edified. God has opened my eyes to see that I can do all and be all I’ve been called to be through Christ who strengthens me. I will allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct me as I begin again the kingdom way and receive all that my Father has for me. I am beautiful and whole and perfectly me. I am a Daughter of the Most High, just who I’ve been called to be.
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