Summer Under The Norman Sun
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Summer Under The Norman Sun


For those of you who are staying in Norman for the summer, do I have some information for you. Congratulations! You hit the jackpot on where to spend your summer. During the school year, the primary focus of Norman is on the university. But when summer rolls around, our town is much less crowded, allowing more room for you summer Norman dwellers to take over.

If you’re at the Biz working on some homework, on level 1 and 2, the elevator lobbies, the corridor and all of the public restrooms are recommended shelters. In the Physical Sciences Center, the windowless “core” rooms, including restrooms, are also places of refuge. Sarkeys and almost every building surrounding it has serious underground space and often act as shelter to many in the Norman community.  At any other building on campus, the best place to go is the lowest level and avoid spaces with windows. Also, if you ever need a reminder of where to go in case of an emergency, visit:

Students who stay in Norman for the summer usually have to take summer classes, so you can guarantee your worried parents that you’ll be spending your time wisely. So for those in need of a summer class, here are some interesting options:      

  • For those whose inner artist is screaming for attention, Photography for Non-Art Majors is available this summer. This would be a busy class, though, so I recommend if you are going to have a job this summer, this class might not fit your schedule.    
  • A perfect class for fans of medieval times and who just need more knowledge of it in their lives, Medieval Vocabulary is also an available class during the summer sessions.   
  • Music in Film, a class I would personally recommend, is also offered this summer. And bonus: it’s only a 2-week class.

For those of you who need to get a job to pay for your recreational summer habits, whatever they may be, I recommend you get a job based on your habits. For example, if you are the type of person who can’t wake up early if your life depended on it, maybe that job at Old School Bagel Café isn’t the best fit.

If you are the type of person who is looking for a low-maintenance job, then nannying or babysitting is the job for you. It usually involves driving children to practices and entertaining them, but the benefit is that children are mainly entertained by television, so you’d mostly spend your days in front of a TV. Sorry to those of you who have stickler parent employers that put restrictions on electronic time, you might actually have to venture outside the home. 

To those who enjoy making a bunch of money, being a drink cart driver at a golf course is the way to go. I’ve heard from friends who have had this job that if you’re charming and willing to make small talk with older gentlemen all day, giant tips are in store for you. 

During summer, Campus Corner is also significantly less populated, so take advantage of all those restaurant deals.

Fuzzy’s Taco Shop is normally pretty cheap anyway but they offer deals all the time, like in honor of National Tequila Day or National Margarita Day. They also have the Fuzzy’s Friends With Benefits loyalty app that keeps track of how much you spend from receipt pictures, eventually allowing you to earn rewards like a free taco or specialty drink.

One should always take advantage of Chimy’s happy hour from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. no matter the season. Four dollar pitchers and other specialty drinks, with two dollar tacos and chips and queso, are enough reason to make it over to Chimy’s for a much needed after class or work drink.

At O’Connells they have BINGO night on Tuesday where you can win free shots for your table. What a great incentive to dominate this game! Also, the classic karaoke Wednesday always guarantees a fun summer night.

Eskimo Sno on Lindsey is an absolute must for the summer. It’s too hot outside in the summer to not get a snow cone. Plus, they have dozens of combinations for you to try if you are planning on getting these frozen treats on the regular. Also, for those who are taking a nannying job this summer, Eskimo Sno is the perfect (and cheapest) place to take the kiddos for an afternoon treat.

If you ever get in the mood for a day trip, there are some cool destinations just outside Norman you should visit. Oklahoma City is one of the best places to visit for a nice outing. You can go to the OKC Zoo, which has a lot of events coming up in the summer. On Mother’s and Father’s Day (which are quickly approaching, so get started on those presents), moms and dads get into the Zoo for free. Also, if you’re a morning person, the Zoo will begin opening at 8 a.m. starting July 1. And if these reasons aren’t enough to convince you to go to the zoo, July 17 is Sales Tax Appreciation Day meaning free admission for everyone.

On the website under the Special Offers & Packages tab, you can find coupons to some nearby activities. There is a coupon online for the Frontier City Theme Park that allows everyone to pay kids price. And if you’re looking to have a creative and fun date, there is a coupon for a complimentary chocolate fondue for two at The Melting Pot, which is redeemable though June. How romantic!

Pops near Edmond, OK is also a fun day trip I recommend you make. The drive isn’t long and it’s a fun and unique experience. They have over 600 types of soda and also have a nice a restaurant. Plus the location is a Route-66 Landmark, and at night, the famous bottle lights up, and it is quite the sight to see. No matter the reason you are staying in Norman for the summer, whether it be for a class, internship or for a change of pace, make the most of it.

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