8. Cleaning doesn't just have to be individual | The Odyssey Online
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9 Summer Cleaning Tips To Make Your House Spotless

It's time to get rid of ALL those clothes.

9 Summer Cleaning Tips To Make Your House Spotless

As soon as you get home from college for summer break, it's very easy to plop your stuff down and not want to touch the stuff you brought home from your dorm room until August. As easy as that sounds, the time is now! Summer cleaning is a great task to accomplish when school gets out because not only have you collected more stuff, but you've also gotten older and may have your own place at school.

Spring cleaning is essential to an organized life and can be helpful in the following ways:

1. It can help relieve anxious thoughts

Have nothing to do? You can always clean without donating items. For example, those bathrooms and floors could always use a scrub. This wipes away any fear or worrying and focuses your attention on helping yourself feel good.

2. Have a place for things you only absolutly need

While living in a dorm room, you learn to live with a lot less. This is a great lesson to simplify your life at home too and make sure everything you need has a place. Prioritize clean and clear surfaces. If your surface is not clear, you have too much stuff.

3. Redo your childhood bedroom

When we go off to college, the most common thing to be stuck in the past is your childhood bedroom. Use your time at home to make your bedroom look nicer with a new paint color or bedspread to make the space feel more you (instead of your five-year-old self).

4. Say goodbye to ALL those CLOTHES

Saying goodbye to clothes is hard. Make more space in your closet with a hanging organizer for scarfs and sweaters that take up a lot of space. Instead of putting clothes on a hanger and hanging them in the closet, vertical organizers create more space. One major tip is if you haven't worn the garment in over a year, donate or throw it out!

5. Shoes

One way to get all those shoes off the floor is to buy a shoe organizer to hang on your closet door. Not only does this prevent dust from collecting in the bottom of your closet, but you can also navigate which shoes you actually use the most. This way, you can maybe get rid of a few more pairs.

6. Trinkets

Trinkets are fun but can turn into major dust collectors. Limiting your space to five decorative pieces per room allows for a picture perfect magazine look. And of course, it's easier to dust and clean too!

7. Clean things that often get missed

Besides cleaning rooms, floors, and bathrooms, there are a few everyday items that get missed. For example, the microwave, bathmat, vacuum filter, the dreaded makeup brushes, and most importantly the junk drawer (eek, scary!).

8. Cleaning doesn't just have to be individual

Tackling any type of cleaning can be hard and it doesn't just have to be you. If you are still living at home, it's easier to get a family member involved too since they share the same space. Having a helper makes a world of difference and can tackle twice as much. In addition, have a cleaning weekend as a family affair for a great bonding experience!

9. Establish a cleaning routine

Picking up for 10 minutes by yourself each day is crucial. This establishes a cleaning routine to make sure those needed items stay in their space when not being used. Small tasks can help keep your room cleaner longer.

Make this summer clean!

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