Putting An End To America's Student Debt Crisis
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Putting An End To America's Student Debt Crisis

What Do We Need To Succeed?

Putting An End To America's Student Debt Crisis

Take a moment and reflect on your daily life. On your average mid-semester weekday, how many commitments do you have? Class, campus organization meetings, professors' office hours, practice, rehearsals, your campus job, homework and social engagements are just a few of the commitments that college students must juggle each day. Climbing the ladder of success through high campus involvement and top-notch grades leaves little time for much else, sleep included. With a forever growing to-do list, lack of sleep, and the pressures of future success, stress cannot be evaded. But what if we looked for a way to combat that stress by addressing the root of the problem?

Millennials face more stress than any other age group, according to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive for the American Psychological Association. While national stress levels have shown decreasing trends over the last several years, stress levels in college students continue to rise. One study stated that one-fourth of college students reported feeling daily stress.

We have all experienced the daily stresses that come with the academic and social pressures in a college environment. But what is it that is stressing us out most? What is the main factor in those high-heart-rate, sweaty-palmed, binge-eating and -drinking, panic-induced freak-outs? Our problems have far surpassed that of acing an exam or getting into the right Greek organization; now, we have finances to worry about.

Four out of five of the top sources for stress in college were related to finances, TIME Magazine’s business section reported. The top sources were as follows: the need to repay loans, the cost of education, the act of borrowing money for college, the need to find a job after graduation, and the academic challenges of coursework.

In America, the current total amount of outstanding student loans has risen to over $1.2 trillion. Student debt does more than cause stress, however. Taking on large amounts of debt contributes to stress and anxiety, but it can also lead to shame and decreased self-esteem. How do we decrease this outstanding debt and restore peace of mind to America’s college students?

This video campaign on The Faces of The Student Debt Crisis in America works to put faces and stories behind the college debt of the American public.

Though these individuals are affected for the rest of their lives by their outstanding debt, it is not just individuals being affected: It is our economy as a whole. The American Student Debt Crisis is just that: a national crisis. The New York Times released a report that as student debt increases, the number of small businesses launched decreases, and debt also has a negative effect on home ownership trends.

I am one of these faces, I am one of these individuals, I am one of those who are contributing to the debt crisis in America, and I have experienced the stress that comes with borrowing large sums of money. I am not writing this article to undermine the value of my education. Actually, I believe the opposite. My education is of utmost value. Through my education, I feel I have become a better person. As I learn about the world, I become more equipped to change the world. With each class and each study session, I move closer to my life’s ambitions and my greatest dreams, both personal and professional. I know many college students feel the same. But how will we achieve all that we want to achieve if the chains of student debt are holding us back?

Remember the moment at the beginning of this article: the daily life of the college student. As we hustle and bustle around campus, attending every meeting, study session, and career fair while trying to make ourselves the best we can possibly be, we would like to hope that all of this work is for a purpose. We would like to know that we can be the future leaders and shakers of America. We would like to know that one day we can start our own businesses, receive our doctorate degrees, or travel to a third world country to do several years of service. We would like some kind of guarantee that all we are working towards will not be withheld from us because of the overbearing cost of the education that made these things possible in the first place. I am writing this not to stress you out about debt, but to open up a conversation about how we can overcome the financial struggle of this generation.

What policy can and will be implemented in order to provide affordable education? It would be foolish to say that little to nothing is already being done about the situation, with student loan forgiveness becoming more popular and Obama working to offer free tuition to community colleges, but I’m asking that we open up a larger forum to end the crisis.

Take a look at Germany, one of the most economically stable countries in the UN – yet they can afford to abolish tuition fees. Or Brazil, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and France, where tuition costs little to nothing.Why isn't America taking a closer look at the economic policies of these countries, in order to benefit our own economic and education systems?

With a presidential election just around the corner, Millennials views will give any candidate leverage in the election. So how about we use it? Let’s start the conversation right here and now: What do we need to succeed?

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