Mykonos - Fleet Foxes | The Odyssey Online
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My Ultimate Study Playlist

A list of 50 indie songs perfect for studying.

My Ultimate Study Playlist

Recently, I have started to listen to music a lot more while I'm studying; I've found that it helps keep me motivated and focused, and I have taken a lot fewer study breaks because of it. I had been playing around with what type of music was better to listen to while I study compared to other tasks, for example, the genre of music, tempo, etc. Personally, I have found that I study best when I listen to slower tempo indie music, and for perspective, I have curated a list of my favorite 50 songs to listen to while studying. Enjoy!

Til Kingdom Come - Coldplay

First Class - Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Fallingforyou - The 1975

Feeling Whitney - Post Malone

October Skies - Mumford & Sons

Holocene - Bon Iver

Harmony Hall - Vampire Weekend

Awesome Day - Tokyo Police Club

Big Black Car - Gregory Alan Isakov

Bloom - The Paper Kites

Anchor - Novo Amor

Oblivion - Bastille

Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson

Technicolour Beat - Oh Wonder

Intro - The xx

Hold My Girl - George Ezra

Cherry Wine - Hozier

Youth - Daughter

Atlas Hands - Benjamin Francis Leftwich 

Conrad - Ben Howard

What It Is - Kodaline

Free Fallin' - John Mayer

Naked As We Came - Iron & Wine

Romeo And Juliet - The Killers

Underground - Cody Fry 

Drummer Boy - Misterwives

Pools - Glass Animals

West Coast - Coconut Records

Celeste - Ezra Vine

I'm With You - Vance Joy

Make Your Mind Up - Moon Taxi

Where's My Love - SYML

All The Pretty Girls - Kaleo 

Tap Water Drinking - Lewis Del Mar

The Girl - City and Colour

Cleopatra - The Lumineers

Sedona - Houndmouth

Coins - Local Natives

Punks and Poets - Elliot Root

Warm Foothills - alt-J

Thick As Blood - Honeysuckle

In This Life - The Strumbellas 

Sweetie Little Jean - Cage The Elephant

Tiger Striped Sky - Roo Panes

Crosses - José González

Mykonos - Fleet Foxes

Lullaby - Lord Huron

Clouds - Milky Chance

Lost In My Mind - The Head and the Heart

I Don't Feel It Anymore - William Fitzsimmons

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