Can We Stop Promoting These Redundant Articles?
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Can We Stop Promoting These Redundant Articles?

An opinion on the popular articles that surface on the internet.

Can We Stop Promoting These Redundant Articles?

There have always been simplistic and mind-appeasing articles within magazines and newspapers since the dawn of mass communication and the printing press. However, communication has never reached or stretched as far as it currently has: with the internet in our pockets and our finger tips addicted to typing. There is the encouraging and optimistic notion that because there is so much knowledge and news to be obtained, that we all may be fully connected and aware of what is important and consistently consuming thought-provoking material, unfortunately this is not so.

With this new age has come a new isolation. If you are not online, on the same websites or social media platforms as most individuals, then not only are you not sharing the same “interpersonal” experiences but you are disconnected. Shrugged off alone into a quiet chasm, you are unaware of precisely what is going on in terms of relationships and news because you are not filtering through the same mediums. There is an underlying dignity that can come with such a loneliness and that is you have remained entirely you, your genuine personality, and personal traits remain, due to the lack of conformity and bombardment of other styles of living, exaggerated opinions and false perceptions. For those who endeavor a great deal online, or who even just dabble with social media consume the perceptions of what only individuals permit, and not an honest perception. Behind a monitor or screen, a person can be whomever they chose to be, or pretend to be. A person can pretend to live a happy-go-lucky life, posting pictures strictly of enjoyable, and what appears to be pleasant moments of his or her life, sharing cute and silly videos, or writing about how great it is to be alive. When in reality, this person is scared to offer his or her true colors and masquerades in a different hue only to build up a false perception that everything is okay because he or she desires only agreeable attention rather than sympathetic and unwarranted attention.

The “Web 2.0” era has subconsciously instilled in each one of us a pissing contest; who can acquire the most attention to fill their ego? It has effected the way we have interpreted what we deem to be acceptable means of information and knowledge. Too many times I have scrolled across an article with a very common social belief, thought, or inference to the point where the word “redundant,” has no meaning. “What Nobody Is Going to Tell You About Freshman Year,” “15 Things You’ll Definitely Do Once You Get To College,” “21 Blatantly Obvious Signs You Grew Up Catholic,” “Why Your Grandmother Is Actually Your Best Friend,” et cetera. Such popular articles are safe and easy. They blur no lines of controversy and only appease viewers to gain a positive reaction rather than an honest or challenging response, to add to the safe cycle of conformity and common thought. The best opinion-based articles offer a dialogue that provokes a reaction or response that is not entirely expected. They do not encourage an “aw,” or “that’s so me,” and if they do, the responses do not end there. A conversation is provided and one can discuss the matter or idea at hand and exhibit a satisfaction with gaining a new perspective and an enriched sense self instead of a moment of content that comes only with appeasing and generally favored opinions.

These popular and common articles are unimportant, mindless nonsense that just contribute to the long list of other pieces that say the same things. There is no original thought within such articles but regurgitated public opinion that does nothing to shed light on any issues or provide anything of value but information or opinions that you may already share, know or believe. These writers are just trying to express something easily agreed upon, or politically correct to gain that same desired attention that can be had with posting an adorable photo. The worst part is that there are other writers and columnists who attempt and put effort into considerably good work but are overlooked by this mind-numbing garbage. It is just like pop music in that these articles are spelling out the top forty thoughts people just want to hear again and again, and jeer at anything that provides new ideas, educational or original information and opinions because it does not fit into the common thread.

Thankfully, with how far the internet stretches, there are opportunities to find quality and impressive writings by tireless and motivated people who want to contribute to progress (and you cannot thwart progress) rather than re-hash what has already been done. These individuals should be supported and encouraged to do more with their work not only because it is brilliant and though-provoking but because you as the reader have so much to gain.

The “Winnie the Pooh” teddy bear in my room has socks on his feet.

His feet get cold.

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