How To Stop Being Bored This Summer
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How To Stop Being Bored This Summer

8 things you can do instead of sleeping

How To Stop Being Bored This Summer

While we all try to make the best out of our summers, we often find ourselves lost and confused and most of all bored with all the new free time we have. And while we all wish we could have the perfect, straight-out-of-a-movie summer, not all of us can have hot summer flings and extravagant trips around the world. So here are 9 realistic ways to stop the summertime boredom.

1. Read a book

Literature is a beautiful way to pass the time. It’s easy to get immersed into a good book. All you have to do is stick your nose in the pages and all your problems disappear. Go to the bookstore or library of your choice and find some new books, re-read old favorites, or pick up the newest best seller that’s getting turned into a movie. This way way you can say that you read it before it became cool. I’m looking at you “Me Before You”. For best results, read outdoors to induce a more summery vibe.

2. Binge watch Netflix

If reading isn’t your thing, (because maybe you hate happiness) you can always settle for mindless visual stimulation. Netflix, the ultimate time suck. Start a new series or re-watch an old one and you’ll find yourself not knowing if it is day or night, what day of the week it is or if it is still even summer time. If you want to cure boredom, this is the fastest way and you can do so for $8.99 a month.

3. Take a walk

A lot of people have forgotten the simple joys of walking places. First of all, it’s free. Secondly, it’s exercise so you can totally get more steps on your Fitbit. Thirdly, you can explore places in your town or say you’re exploring but really you’re just catching Pokémon. Walking is extra fun if you can bring a friend or a dog to walk with you. If you don’t have a dog, you can walk straight to the pet store and buy one because dogs are cool.

4. Learn something new

"Just because school’s on break, it doesn’t mean your brain has to be on break too." I hear this all the time and maybe it’s true. Summer is the perfect time to learn something new because you have all the time in the world. Learn a language, take up an instrument, start crocheting or sign up for some yoga classes with interesting people. This is also a great way to make friends if you’re running low. You can also learn some crafty DIYs. Or better said, learn to fail at crafts because we all know Pinterest is a myth and no one can actually achieve good quality crafts without being covered in glitter and hot glue.

5. Find a body of water

Oceans, lakes, rivers, plastic kid pools you can get from Walmart for $5, a bathtub. Anything works if you don’t have the available resources or are not in the proximity of natural waters. Pass the time by taking cliché jumping pictures, scribbling the name of your lover in the sand or posing your legs in a way that makes people wonder if they are hot dogs or not.

6. Clean your room

This is probably the easiest and cheapest way to cure boredom, because you literally can do it from the comfort of your home. All you have to do is muster up the courage and will to do so. Once you get going, you’ll probably end up rearranging your whole room and even folding your underwear, only to be ruined the next time you’re in a hurry and need to find your VS panties ASAP.

7. Get a twitter

Twitter has become one of the lesser appreciated social medias. It is often dominated by the overly populated Instagram and the picture perfect Snapchat. But Twitter is the home to the best memes while also being a place where controversial and very important discussions take place. And I’m not just talking about the #KimExposedTaylorParty. It has always been a place where people are united even if it is against a common enemy.

8. Apply for a job

Lastly, you could get a job and avoid the whole “I have nothing to do this summer” situation because you’ll be too busy filling your pockets with cash so you can do cool things like shopping, traveling or paying your tuition.

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