5 Things Type B People Are Tired of Hearing | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things Type B People Are Tired of Hearing

Seriously, why should I make my bed when I'm just going to jump back in it?

5 Things Type B People Are Tired of Hearing
Ben Wiseman, New York Times

It's hard out here for us type B personality millennials and I for one believe it's time both Type A and B people come together and start embracing what makes each personality type unique.

These are a few stereotypes I often hear. This isn't to say that these can't be true at times, but simply shining light on the positive aspects behind these common misconceptions.

1. "You're lazy."

This is probably the most common stereotype of both millennials and Type B individuals alike. Let's face it, the world seems to be moving at a billion miles an hour and we type B people usually like to take it slow. The problem with "lazy" is that it would infer that we don't enjoy working or putting effort into things. This couldn't be more false. We are laid back and tend to not stress over things that would generally send Type A people into a frenzy, but that doesn't mean we're lazy. Our even-keeled nature actually helps our productivity by not taking on extra stress.

2. "You lack ambition."

One of the main distinctions between Type A and Type B people is the way they approach goals. Type A people are often very goal and achievement-oriented. This can make it hard for them to understand why their Type B peers don't show the same drive to achieve certain goals. The truth is, it is not a lack of ambition. We Type B people find our fulfillment in the process. This doesn't mean that we don't enjoy finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We just really enjoy smelling the roses on our way there.

3. "You're messy."

Unmade bed? Stacks of mail and class notes piled high on your desk? Or what about all of those annoying red notification bubbles and unread emails on your iPhone screen that you refuse to clear? We type B people hear it all the time, and admittedly, you've got a point. The problem is that we're not just messy for the sake of being messy. Even I enjoy perusing a Kinfolk catalog every now and then. We're wired this way. Our minds are often on creative thoughts. By taking an unorthodox and often messy approach, we are able to achieve things that our type A peers might overlook. We simply don't see the chaos, we see extraordinary artistic freedom.

4. "You're too emotional" or "You Don't Have A Filter"

This one can vary a bit depending on other aspects of your personality, but the bottom line is that type B people tend to speak their minds. I've always found this one to be rather ironic being that we are typical laid back and carefree; however, if something is really bothering us we don't shy away from letting that be known. We're honest and this makes it easy for us to show empathy and interact with others. Our openness can help other individuals open up to us.

5. "You're too apathetic."

Echoing the other, stereotypes this one takes it another step further in saying that type B people simply do not care enough. Whether it's regarding achievements, competition, failures, or big decisions, type B people often seem apathetic and indecisive. The truth is we tend to see things in the big picture. We aren't detail-oriented or worried about the fine print. We tend to choose our battles and stay focused on the larger narrative rather than the gritty details. We care deeply, especially regarding our relationships and the bigger aspects of our lives. This can also be an asset because we type B individuals usually aren't as bogged down by our failures.

I know it's not always easy to understand the disorganizing mind of us type B people, but given some patience, we can prove to make some of the best friends. I hope that this helps brings a bit of clarity to our madness.

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