18. But then your eyes are watering so much that everybody thinks you're crying | The Odyssey Online
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25 GIFs That Perfectly Describe Spring Allergies

You love when weather starts getting warmer, but it's a challenge to be outside.

25 GIFs That Perfectly Describe Spring Allergies

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For as long as I can remember, spring allergies have been a pain for me!! There's constant sneezing, itchy eyes, and being asked if you're okay because it looks like you're crying as you attempt to keep from sneezing. #thestruggleisreal

1. When spring begins... 

2. When friends ask you to do something with them outside

3. What you need to wear if you do decide to go outside 

4. Because this will be you if you don't 

5. You after being outside for one minute 

6. The sneezes continue... 

7. And then your eyes start to burn like crazy

8. Eventually, you just have to give up and go back inside and go through an entire box of tissues 

9. And sometimes you have to take the tissue usage to a whole other level

10. You try your hardest not to touch those burning eyes but it's SO HARD

11. When you attempt to go outside again...

12. The pollen can really get to you

13. The itchy feeling will not go away 

14. Neither will the eye pain 

15. You just want to give up on being outside in the spring

16.  But that's hard to do when you love being outside in pretty weather...

17. The weird face we all make when fighting SO HARD against a sneeze

18. But then your eyes are watering so much that everybody thinks you're crying

19. And they keep asking if you're okay... 

20. Mood when you're sick and tired of sneezing and being asked why your eyes are so red 

21. But because you're sick and tired of it, it's time to show those allergies who's boss...

22. Take Zyrtec, Benadryl, or Claritin as an attempt to make you feel better... 

23. But in reality, this is you ALL spring no matter how much medicine you take 

24. You ALL spring part two... 

25. So from one girl annoyed with spring allergies to another... you're not alone

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