12 Epic Words In Spanish That English Should Use
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12 Epic Words In Spanish That English Should Use

And they're useful, too!

12 Epic Words In Spanish That English Should Use

When you're studying a language, you begin to learn that there are words that just can't be translated correctly. You also begin to learn that these words really say a lot about the culture in which the language is in. This is incredibly true with Spanish. So, here are just of couple of weird untranslatable words in Spanish you can use when you just cannot think of a word in English!

1. Chacharear- to go out shopping for trinkets (Cha-cha-ray-are)

It's not thrift shopping or going to the mall. You know when your on vacation and you go into that gift shop and buy that little stuffed dolphin with a Daytona Beach shirt on it? And you know there is no significance of buying it? That's chachreando! Plus, it is way more entertaining to say. You feel like you're in the beginning of singing some type of Salsa song.

2. Empalagarse - to eat too many sweets (Ehm-pahl-eh-gahr-say)

The translation does not do it justice. It is that feeling when you drank to much pop or you ate a lot of that store bought cake and your stomach feels queasy and gross. It can come in all sorts and sizes, I feel empalagante just by watching Augustus Gloop from Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. C'mon Gloop, carbs?

3. Dedos de los pies- fingers of the feet (Day-dohs-day-lohs-pee-ays)

Oh Spanish! Sometimes you're so creative with words that you look kinda lazy! This one is vice versa, there is no word for toes in Spanish. Instead of saying simply toes, like in English, you call them fingers of the feet? Why?! I don't have the time to say all of that! And it makes me receive a weird visual...

4. Estadounidense- A person or thing that is from the United States of America (Ehs-ta-doo-oon-ee-dehn-say)

Most people of Latin America are taught that South America and North America are one continent, America, making all of us Americans in their eye, geographically speaking. Because of this, they actually created a word for people and things that are from the good ol' USA. I guess this means we should say we are United States-ian? Eh, Close enough.

5.Friolento- a person who is cold all of the time (free-oh-lehn-toh)

Do you have that annoying friend who has to take five jackets with them everywhere they go? They are soooo friolento!

6. Entrecejo-the space you have between your eyebrows (ehn-treh-say-hoh)

Because you know, the space between your eyebrows comes into conversation so much! Poor Frida Kahlo and Anthony Davis though, they never experienced having an entrecejo. :'(

7. Enchilar- to be burning from eating a chili pepper (ehn-chee-lahr)

We've all been there. Spicy is at a whole new level when you're talking about chili peppers. I wished I new about this word when I was in Mexico though, my taste buds would have thanked me.

8. Madrugar-to wake up really early (mahd-roo-gahr)

You can't spell madrugar without mad! It's basically an Olympic sport, so why not give it the language equivalent? Make up a new word!

9. Te quiero and Te Amo- I love you (Teh-key-eh-roh) (Teh-ah-mo)

CAUTION! These are not interchangeable! There are two ways to say I love you in the español. Te quiero is more of a casual way to say I love you, you say it to friends and familiy. But , Te Amo (Literally, I am in the love with you) is when it gets into the real deal, lovey dovey stuff. DO NOT say it to your Grandma. That's gross man.

10. Pena Ajena- feeling embarrassed because of another persons actions, even if the person does not feel ashamed (Pehn-ah-Ah-heh-nah)

You can feel pena ajena whether your dad is trying to dance or you if overhear a person stating that Martin Luther King Jr. was indeed the President. True story.

11. Trasnochar- to stay up all night (Trahs-no-chahr)

I guess the English equivalent is an all nighter but that's not a real word. The more I write this list, the more I realize college students need these words.

12. Botellón- a group of young people who go out to drink in public (Boh-teh-YOHN)

Yep, this list was accidently made for college students!

Are there any that I forgot in Spanish? Do you know any in any other languages? Leave a comment!

Now if you excuse me, I can't transnochar with my botellón, I need to madrugar so I can chacharear for some chilies, I want to enchilar because usually I'm friolento. If I die because they're too spicy, tell my mother I said Te Quiero. But not Te Amo. Qué pena ajena, that's gross.

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