4. "Flaming Hot Cheetos" By Clairo | The Odyssey Online
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5 Songs That Make Me Forget About My Anxiety

"(music) gets them to think about things that do not matter..."

5 Songs That Make Me Forget About My Anxiety

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Before beginning, I'd like to say that music is not a remedy for anxiety or panic attacks, though it can be a good tactic as it is a distraction to the person (in this case, me) and gets them to think about things that do not matter and keeps them grounded into reality. If music does not seem to work, other methods include memorizing useless facts, birthdays, and even addresses and repeating them during a panic attack.

1. "DaNcing in a RoOm" By EZI

In this song, EZI goes into details about how nothing is going right, but that is okay because she's "dancing in the middle of the room" by herself. Not only do I think the situation can be quite similar to what leads me to have a panic attack, but the fast past beat and uplifting lyrics remind me that everything will be okay.

2. "Let 'Em Say" By Lizzo and Caroline Smith

This song was written in celebration of achieving one's dreams despite what others say or said in the past. Much like "DaNcing in a RoOm" this song is fast past and upbeat. This song shows that those doubts in the back of my mind and fear that nothing will work out is just over thinking and just reminds me that the future is bright.

3. "Spaceship" By Kesha

Kesha seems to be wanting to get away from everyone around her as they seem to be quite negative to her. This leads to her repeating the lyric "I don't really care if you believe...". In her case, Kesha is dismissing everyone who does not believe in her and that is honestly something we should all do.

4. "Flaming Hot Cheetos" By Clairo

Though this song is quite slow, I have seen it as a great distraction due to not only the title being quite bizarre as it does not match the song at all, but Clairo also has a unique and never heard before style. I can only describe this as a song that you wouldn't play when your friend hands you the aux, but you definitely blast when home alone.

5. "Magic In The Hamptons" By Social House and Lil Yatchy

This is another song that does not really have to do with getting over something but is a good distraction due to the catchy beat and the vibes it radiates. As soon as I listen to it, I feel as though it's summer twenty-four seven and I am automatically in a better mood.

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