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13 Songs To Destress During Fall Semester

The best songs to stress less this semester!

13 Songs To Destress During Fall Semester

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It's college, and we all get stressed, so you've gotta find ways to stay sane! My best tip is to listen to music. Here are 13 songs that always help me stress less.

1. "Catch in the Dark" by Passenger

It's a sad song but also gets you exactly where you want to be hit in the feels. The vibe of this song will just get you incredibly mellow.

2. "Secret Notes and Curfews" by Flannel Graph 

The song slightly speeds up towards the end, but it'll have you swooning over the singer's voice the whole time. You'll also get to reminisce on that childhood crush.

3. "i can't breathe" by Bea Miller

This song will probably sum up all the emotions you're feeling with the stresses of classes, but in a calming and comforting way.

4. "Please Notice" by Christian Akridge

The beginning of this song starts slow and quiet, but over time it grows into a powerful ballad. It's a great song for when you almost feel like you just need to scream.

5. "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room" by John Mayer

The steel guitar in the background is really what calms me. It reminds me of easier times and family events.

6. "The Hug Song" by Colleen Ballinger and Erik Stocklin

Just the fact that the lyrics to this song were written by a 3-year-old makes it such a sweet song. But overall, with the lyrics and the sweetness of the ukulele, it's just such a heartwarming song.

7. "Thank You" by Bombadil

There's an overall mellow vibe to the song, but my favorite part is the lyrics. I could get lost in the lyrics for hours. There's such a powerful message behind this song.

8. "Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson

Listen to the first 15 seconds of this song and you'll understand why it's a stress-reducing song. Nuff said.

9. "Someday" by Sam Burchfield

This song will have you thinking about your future love and your dream life. Great way to escape from reality.

10. "Wind & Anchor" by The National Parks

You've just gotta love incredibly talented male-female duets. And that's exactly what this is! You'll feel like taking a trip into a peaceful forest afterward.

11. "Good Lover" by Donovan Woods

This guy looks intense, but his voice is so raspy and peacefully quiet. I could probably fall asleep listening to him.

12. "Lemonade" by Jeremy Passion

The ukulele version of this song cannot be beat in the love song category. You'll swoon for hours.

13. "By the Ocean" by Kid Indigo

After this song, you'll be incredibly tempted to take a trip to the beach. As tempting as it is, now that you've gotten through all the songs, it's time to get back to studying!

To listen to these stress-less songs and more, listen to this playlist.

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