The Solid Rock
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The Solid Rock

An award winning flash fiction story.

The Solid Rock

This piece was inspired by the song "Christ the Rock" by Kim Walker-Smith on her album, Home. I wrote this my senior year of High School and it won a Superior rating, moving it through districts to nationals. It is called flash fiction because of the word limit. So, it is a short enough read to get in a decent story and continue with your day. I hope you can come to enjoy it as much as I loved writing it.

The Solid Rock

I broke through the dense forest, running. My heart felt like a charging locomotive, my lungs were craving every quick breath, and sweat dripped down my back. I knew not to glance behind me, so I kept running, trying to escape my pursuers. The soft, vegetated ground from the forest suddenly gave way to a rocky, hard, open plain . My bare feet tripped and rocks sliced through my unprotected soles. I cried out and salty drops blurred my vision. I didn't stop.

The sky was a dark, foreboding purple. Black clouds followed the mass behind me. Being unable to see what lay ahead, the sheer drop down into ominous depths caught me off guard. I halted my numb legs, as my lungs screamed for deeper breaths. Not knowing the distance of my pursuers, I snapped my head around to watch my coming fate enclose around me. The horde was black, horrid, and putrid. I heard their names penetrating my thoughts: fear, lust, depression, worry. They hastily approached. Hooves loudly clanking, fiery arrows glowing in the distance. The smell became overwhelming, and the chaotic noise echoed in my ears. Their faces became apparent. Beautiful at first glance, but, well-trained, one could see the evil, grotesque demonic creature underneath.

I started shaking, slowly welcoming the gripping fear. My mind throbbed with the sneering from each demon, intensifying as they stormed closer to me and the cliff edge behind me. Turning around, I looked down into the ominous depths, I knew that exit wasn't an option. As the dark clouds began to shroud me, I closed my eyes and braced for the impact of the fiery weapons and brutal blows.

Closing my eyes, I silently pleaded for help in my vulnerable state. Suddenly, the ground began to shake. The source was not the massive horde for their confused looks suggested otherwise. I braced myself by squatting on the rocky ground, favoring my shredded feet. An abrupt feeling of weightlessness caught me off guard. I felt as if I were rising off the ground.

Sudden silence from the hissing voices caused me to shoot open my eyes and

overlook the quickly shrinking, evil mass.

A rock that jutted from the cliff had raised me above the chaos. Peace soon relieved me from my frantic state and a gentle, yet powerful voice beckoned me to stand to my feet for I was on Holy ground. I looked up to see an opening in the clouds. A radiant, gold, glittering light enveloped me and all worry and fear soon faded away.

The Voice spoke again, "My daughter, you have cried out for my aid. Here I am. I have never left you. It was I who gave you endurance to run and strength to not give up. Do not worry, for I will restore you, for I Am that I Am. Take the Sword and be guided by the Spirit. Wear the shoes and proclaim peace. Use the Belt, Breastplate, and Helmet for My Truth, Righteousness, and Salvation. Now declare victory!" As I looked into the eyes of the Beholder, His roaring command reverberated in my bones. He set me upon the Solid Rock and I looked down into the mass, now frozen out of fear. I heard sounds similar to the previous earthquake behind me. Unexpectedly, my brothers and sisters in Christ appeared and joined me on a now massive Rock. Clad in armor, they smiled at me and overlooked the horde with confidence.

Knowing what had to be done, I stepped to the front of the Rock and sang. I raised my hands and sent praises and exaltations to the One who raised me above the chaos.

My friends began to implement their own gifts of dance, art, worship, preaching, and intercession. The heavens stirred, the demonic army became uneasy. As soon as I raised my sword, still belting the song of worship, chariots of fire raced down from the heavens and descended onto the black horde. I heard their minimal screeches above the heavenly army. Valiant guardian angels destroyed and annihilated the mass below the Solid Rock with powerful, unearthly weapons. As soon as they came, they were gone, leaving a tranquil silence. The dark mass was no more and the sky cleared into joyous light.

A shout emanated from within me, increasing with each swell of joy. My friends joined me, praise being offered to the Most High.

We danced, sang, and shouted for the victory was ours.

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