The Snapchat Update: Saving Grace or Wrong Move?
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The Snapchat Update: Saving Grace or Wrong Move?

We all use it on a daily basis. But now you can't see who BAE snaps most often. The struggle is becoming more real than ever.

The Snapchat Update: Saving Grace or Wrong Move?

Unless you haven't touched your phone all week, you should know that our beloved Snapchat underwent a huge makeover this week. 

One minute I'm snapping away from my desk at work (maybe I shouldn't admit that but you all know you do it too) and the next minute, I open the app again and suddenly there's a little alert at the top that reads "Your contacts and settings live here."


I hastily swipe right (finger moves from left to right on the screen) to find that my recent snaps look the same. 

But wait.

Swipe left (finger moves from right to left on the screen) and click on someone's name to find **GASP** YOU CAN'T SEE ANYONE'S BEST FRIENDS! Just the little setting icon with the options to edit your friends name, delete or block them. 


Swipe left one more time and you see something that says "Discover." 

Hmmm ... then I was truly confused. Maybe I should start watching those snaps from Team Snapchat instead of ignoring them all day like I usually do. 

But I digress.

So now you can't see anyone's best friends besides your own. I would have preferred if they did it the other way around! Take away my ability to see my own best friends, I don't care! I KNOW who I'm snapping the most. I'm interested in everyone else's personal business. 

According to many news articles that have been released in the past day, teens are the most upset by this change. 

What will we ever do without knowing if your significant other likes snapping another boy/girl more than you?!? 

The world may never know.

Suspicious/jealous/curious boyfriends and girlfriends everywhere may never know who BAE is snapping on the side (However — if you were trying to use Snapchat to figure out some of your relationship issues, you may have a bigger issue at hand).

BUT with the new update came a really awesome feature which I mentioned above called DISCOVER.

In this part of the app, we see that Snapchat teamed up with twelve other companies and outlets to provide a place where people can get recipes, Cosmo beauty tips, ESPN news, celebrity gossip and hard-hitting news all in the same place. 

Pretty genius if you ask me. 

According to Snapchat, the Discover portion of the app is a new way to "explore stories from different editorial teams " Photos and videos are all being shared through the full-screen view of this portion of the app. No borders or text at the top (I actually didn't know how to go backwards the first time I used it). Safe to say, I have since become somewhat Snapchat Discover proficient. 

In their blog post release and explanation of Discover, they go on to say that this is not social media. 

Then what is it?

It is a storytelling format that is aiming to put the narrative first. Now you can read up on some of your favorite topics and send a selfie to your BFFL without leaving the app (because God-forbid we need to spend another second to leave the app to get to another). 

But all-in-all, this is very unique, convenient, and pretty good idea if you ask me. My question is — what will this mean for the companies that didn't get to be in the first 12 featured on the app? Will they use a rotational basis or just keep the same 12 outlets as long as they are willing to pay what I'm sure is top dollar for that coveted spot?

For now, I think people are more concerned with the direct changes to best friends lists and selfie sending capabilities and don't really care about the other features. Change, however, is not always a bad thing. It's good that people are still innovative and not just sitting back letting a good thing stay stagnant. I think some other apps could take a page from this book and develop more cool features to provide the consumers. 

Everyone is still in the adjustment phase of this update and while I personally don't care about seeing other people's BFFs, I am thoroughly enjoying watching everyone squirm a little bit. 

Happy Adjusting!

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