Ella + Rayne Boutique | The Odyssey Online
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10 Small Businesses That You Need To Know About

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10 Small Businesses That You Need To Know About

I have always been an advocate for supporting small businesses. With so many people starting their own small shops and creating their own merchandise I love to see the personalities of these creative individuals come through their work. There is something about walking into a small storefront where the owner is working the register, that makes it feel so much more personal than a department store. When you support small and local businesses you are supporting a dream. Here are just a few shops that deserve a little attention.

Ella + Rayne Boutique

Ella + Rayne Boutique is an online boutique that opened in the fall of 2018. 17 year old, Macy Brown is a young entrepreneur with a modern bohemian sense of style, based in Washington, IL. Her shop features some feminine and trendy styles that are sure to meet your fashion and comfort needs.

Erin Made 

I have been following Erin Made on Instagram for a while now and I absolutely adore not only her product but her feed! Erin McDermott is a tropical boho babe that launched her shop in 2015 and she has grown so much since then! She specializes in vibrant beach headbands but also offers a wide range of other products including sweaters, quilts, bandeaus, and most recently scrunchies!

Hosanna Revival

What makes spending time with Jesus so much more enjoyable? Using a hand-painted bible or journal from Hosanna Revival! Founder, Kate Guiliano was inspired to paint and beautify her newly rebound bilingual bible while studying abroad in Spain. Hosanna Revival now creates beautiful bibles and journals to help inspire women all over to spend time with their Creator.

Linden Avenue

Let's talk ear candy! Linden Avenue is the pride and joy of one of my sweet friends from high school. Hannah Rexinger created Linden Ave in July of 2018 in search of an outlet for her wildly creative mind. Since then she has had a pop-up shop at Madewell and the Rose Bowl Flea Market. Each design is made with funky '70s and modern vibes in mind. Linden Ave also features buttons, pins, and stud earrings. Do your ears a favor and check her shop out!


Now if you can't handle the stress of keeping a cute plant alive but love to look at them, these adorable pins are just what you need! Hemleva is singlehandedly run by boss babe Samantha Leung from Seattle, Washington. She opened her store in Autumn of 2013 and has been ~growing~ ever since. You're sure to find a cute lil plant pin or keychain that you won't have to water. Or forget to water in some cases..


Frances Boutique located in Phoenix, AZ

Kaitlyn McDonald

This one is for the Phoenix locals. Ladies, if you're looking for a cute place to shop on the weekend after brunch this is the place to stop! In 2006 Frances was opened by Georganne Bryant and named it after her loving grandmother. The shop features items from sarcastic greeting cards, jewelry, keychains, clothing, and of course stickers. You walk into this store looking for a gift for someone else and you end up walking out with five things for yourself and forgetting why you went in there in the first place. :)

The Rise Co.

I had the pleasure of meeting the Rise Company's owner, Ranzel Tinio, at Grand Canyon University's Student Market. The company is inspired by Karli & Kelsey Richardson who were both tragically killed by drunk drivers. Their goal is to inspire their customers through their jewelry to live an adventurous and beautiful life. The Rise Company features coordinate necklaces with the seven wonders of the world and gorgeous bangle and beaded bracelets.


Pronounced Liv, this shop is family owned by three lovely sisters, Jina, Jiin (Jeanie), and Jane. Their shop was started by their parents and now they have a storefront in Vista, California. Their shop features fresh styles for the modern woman; along with minimalist accessories and gifts.

Kula Kai Jewelry

Handmade in California, Kula Kai Jewelry is beachy, dainty, and all things meaningful. I love nothing more than a delicate piece of jewelry that means somethin' special. Designer, Cheryl Caveney designs these pieces San Clemente, CA and uses inspiration from the beautiful California coast to inspire her. Her shop features necklaces, rings, bangles, and adorable earrings. She also offers personal customization to make your piece extra special. *wink wink* if any guys are reading this Valentine's day is right around the corner :)

 No Rest For Bridget 

While this store might be a little larger than the rest, No Rest For Bridget is the next brand that your closet needs. They began their store chain in 2004 and have locations in SoCal and Boston as well as an Online shop. NRFB features outfits ranging from everyday styles to a girls-night-out on the town. Their styles are effortlessly simple yet chic.

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