2. Your coworkers start to become your friends. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

12 Signs That You May Be A Workaholic College Student

It's a huge sign that your job is starting to become your life...

12 Signs That You May Be A Workaholic College Student

Let's be honest, nobody loves money more than a college student! The idea of never being broke, which is a college student stigma, makes you cringe. The more money you have, the better life is, am I right?

But those who work for long hours of the day almost EVERY day may be labeled as workaholics. Balancing a social life, schoolwork and work can be overwhelming, but it's worth it when your paycheck comes in biweekly. Here are some signs that you may be working a lot:

1. You're barely home or in your dorm.

You leave home in the morning and don't come back until late at night. The cycle basically repeats. The only time you're not at work is pretty much your lunch break.

2. Your coworkers start to become your friends.

You know it's real when you see them more than your actual college friends. I guarantee you will hang with at least ONE coworker outside of work.

3. You consume nothing but energy bars and drinks.

Who has time for cooking anymore? The dishes will be in the sink all day then!

4. There's no such thing as a "day off."

And no, Sundays don't count sis...

5. When people get excited that it's Friday...but you work weekends.

I'm sure you've secretly said "Must be nice" under your breath like 50 times…but then again, your paycheck is going to be nice!

6. Payday is the only day you look forward to.

The only day I'm a morning person besides my birthday and December 25.

7. You're always waking up early, to the point where you don't need an alarm.

To be honest, I still use the alarm because sometimes, I'm extremely tired and I don't want to wake up.

8. Always having to tell your friends that you're busy.

Or you can only hang out with your friends on a certain day of the week, or have to plan in advance to hang out.

9. You're spending a lot of money on gas.

Well, that's where some of my paycheck goes unfortunately.

10. The second you get some free time, you take advantage of it.


11. Seeing your friends having fun on their Snapchat stories, but you had to go to work.

If you don't have any FOMO, something is wrong with you.

12. Knowing that you work a lot, but getting that schmoneyyyy is all that matters!

As a college student, money is pretty much all you need.

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