Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?
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Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Christmas Has Absolutely NOTHING To Do With Jesus Christ

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Professing "Christians" around the world are preparing themselves to setup bright trees, sing carols, and purchase gifts for the sake of December 25th known as "Christmas." Theologians, false prophets, Protestants, and the Catholic church have been spreading this deception and falsification for decades that the Lord Jesus Christ was born on December 25th. Many "Christians" who posses the knowledge that Jesus wasn't born on December 25th still celebrate this Pagan holiday out of ignorance and spiritual blindness. There is NO scripture within the Holy Scriptures that states the exact month and day that Jesus was born nor the entitlement to celebrate such a pagan holiday. Christian's today lack the knowledge of the God they serve and that's the reason they are unenlightened and uniformed that the LORD condemns such a holiday, because it's truthfully pagan worship. Individuals who proclaim they're Christian are so focused on the advanced doctrines of the Christian faith, when they are failing in such basic standards such as this.

Historically and based on scripture, Christmas has absolutely NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ and is in fact complete blasphemy and heathen worship towards the Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, many Christians believe that regardless of what the Bible states or what History displays on the evidence that this holiday is indeed pagan; they still believe that this holiday is still celebrating and worshiping Jesus Christ, when in fact this holiday is worshiping Satan and Pagan deities. Due to the blindness of Christians, they don't realize that what they claim is worship or meditation towards the Lord Jesus is actually worshiping the Lord as if he's a pagan god. Through this article, I desire to provide scripture and historical evidence that Christmas is in fact satanic and ungodly, and if you profess to be a "Born-Again believer," the Holy Ghost within you that you claim to have should agree with this article, because this article is based on scripture and evidence that the Lord Jesus despises such worship and celebrations that are demonic but claim they're of him. Jesus said in John 10:27 : "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

The Lord spoke to the Prophet Jeremiah about this very specific topic and it's recorded in the Book of Jeremiah 10:1-5 stating "Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel.Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good."

What the LORD described within Jeremiah clearly provides a general overview of the celebration of Christmas. Many individuals are unaware of such crucial verses like this that could send you to the Lake of Fire because of the lack of studying to show themselves approved. They only go to church to have a good time, run up and down the isles, and speak in tongues but yet never learned anything that could save them from the Lake of Fire. The LORD was very clear that he doesn't desire, need, nor want such worship that is involved with such heathen roots.

During Christmas time, "Christians" put up trees and deck it with silver and gold while singing a bunch of Christmas carols and telling individuals to not remove "Christ" out of Christmas when in fact Christ never had anything to do with Christmas. Regardless if one may want to believe it or not, Satan is in charge of this holiday and Satan utilized the NAME of Jesus to deceive many and lead others to hell along with him. Satan easily deceived many because he disguised this holiday as being an illumination of light through attaching the NAME of Jesus to it, so many fell for it. Even today, many believe simply because a pastor claims the NAME of Jesus, that he's of God when truly they were sent from Satan.

Surprisingly, you won't see any devout Muslim celebrating this holiday or any devout Jew practicing this pagan holiday, but they are quick to open up their businesses around this time to accommodate the deceived Christians who doesn't have any knowledge towards how the Lord Jesus condemns such practices and is in no way affiliated with this day.

Historically, when Constantine converted the Roman empire to "Christianity," many pagan traditions were transferred over to their new religion to be masked as Christian practices and beliefs. Christmas was a day when the pagans celebrated the birth of their "Sun-god" known as Mithra; and when Constantine converted he realized they had to do a way with such pagan practices, so they just incorporated it within their proclaimed conversion to state that it's the birth of the "Son of God."
The false Roman Catholic church utilized the date of December 25th in which they celebrated their sun-god in an effort to spread pagan traditions and keep these practices alive even though the scriptures condemned it. Through hosting "Christmas" during the time that they celebrated their sun-god and had their pagan festivals, church officials firmly believed that they would be able to get the pagans around them who weren't in the religion of "Christianity" to embrace such a day; because after all, this day was just masked as a day of light because the NAME of Jesus was being utilized, when in fact it had nothing to do with him. Ultimately, the Roman church utilized their religion of Christianity to replace most pagan practices and religion because Christmas was a day when individuals would become drunk and party in a carnival-like atmosphere.
Truthfully, this day and in fact the whole Christmas season is when many demonic spirits are roaming the earth. Many prophecy and speak in tongues but fail to have eyes to see that there is a "Christmas" spirit which is a demonic spirit attached to this holiday. Individuals who beat their wife, raped women and molested little boys, murdered innocent people, and committed other sinful acts all of a sudden catch the Christmas spirit and want to bake fruit cake, set up a Christmas tree, buy gifts, and sing carols then go back to acting like a child of Satan on December 26th. Even Satanists have full knowledge of how demonic this holiday is, but Christians who claim they're so spiritual are blind in recognizing how pagan and demonic practicing this holiday is. This holiday in no way brings worship to God, but in fact you're worshiping the pagan deity 'Mithra' which is Satan.
Truthfully, many have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof. Proclaimed Christians will go to church and act like they're more spiritual than others through their tongue speaking, praise dancing, and running down the isles but lack the knowledge of the God they serve and how real the spiritual realm is along with spiritual warfare. People who celebrate this holiday aren't Christians, they are Heathens. It doesn't matter if you've been baptized in Jesus Name and have the Holy Ghost, if you celebrate this demonic holiday you are NOT a follower of Christ, you are a follower of Paganism! Many Christians don't read their Bible nor study to show themselves approved, so they're spiritually ignorant and blind to such practices. However, please don't get me wrong, I celebrated this holiday for years and when the Lord Jesus opened up my eyes to how demonic this practice was I abandoned such practices; that's why I'm writing this article to open up others eyes so many don't get sent to Hell for practicing such a holiday.

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