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10 Things From The 2000s To Put You In Your Feels And Transport You Back To Your Middle School Days

Writing this article just took me back to 2007.

10 Things From The 2000s To Put You In Your Feels And Transport You Back To Your Middle School Days
Sophia Guerra

In This Article:

Thinking about graduation these past few weeks has put me in a weird sentimental mood lately (I don't ever get emotional, #virgovibes) and I decided to just rub salt in the wound and really take it there. I went on a trip back to the mid-2000s and made a list of my obsessions from that era. Honestly, now all I want is to color a Lisa Frank coloring book and buy a pair of gauchos.

1. Tamagotchi


Anyone else obsessed with this weird egg thing? Not even sure what the point of this game was, but I distinctly remember always forgetting to feed the little creature thing inside. Apparently, you can buy one on Amazon for $38!!! Steep!

2. Nintendogs


Oh my GOD. I was so obsessed with my little puppy on Nintendogs and I would spend all day petting it on my Nintendo DS. How did they manage to make them look so cute?

3. Video Now


My sister and I would legit never put our Video Nows down. We would watch different episodes of Trading Spaces: Boys vs. Girls 100 times each. I guess this was like the iPad before its time.

4. Lisa Frank


Who else stans Lisa Frank??? Where is she today? Is she still stuntin on everyone somewhere? I swear I got my fashion inspo today because of my childhood with Lisa.

5. Tankinis

Pretty sure I owned this exact suit.


Ok. Tankinis (specifically from Justice and Limited Too) were my absolute saving grace during my fat years from age 8-12. Like, one pieces hadn't had their comeback yet, so what was a chunky girl supposed to do?

6. Gauchos

Why does this girl have to stunt on everyone so hard?


Another absolute fashion staple. Gauchos. Once again, from one of the two designer brands back in the day, Limited Too or Justice. I'm pretty sure I had about 3 pairs of these.

7. Bratz


If you weren't obsessed with Bratz, who were you? And now with the Bratz challenge sweeping Instagram and YouTube, I'm feeling super senti about my girl Yasmin. You can also buy her on Amazon and honestly, I would pay more than $40 to be reunited with her again.

8. Phitens


So this was all I remember about 8th grade. If a boy had one of these, he was an absolute stud. Like, this necklace could turn a 4 into a solid 7. Unsure why. I remember once this cute boy let me wear his for a day and I was automatically head over heels. Also, what do these even do? Make you balance better or something?

9. Curl Mousse


DID ANYONE ELSE PUT ABOUT A POUND OF THIS IN THEIR HAIR DAILY??? I'm shook. I would legit put about 5 pumps in my hair straight out of the shower and then just scrunch the shit out of it until I was the most beautiful chola queen.

10. iPod Nano


There was never a day where I did not have this in my hand. And I was not begging my dad to let me buy more songs on iTunes. 7th and 8th grade I just had to "Take You Down" by Chris Brown blasting on my iPod Nano constantly, which, now that I think about it, was pretty inappropriate. But I turned out pretty ok!

I had so much fun writing this article, thinking of all the things that stood out from my childhood and formed me into the person I am today. Who knows a fun tankini and a brown gaucho would create such a fashionista???

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