When I graduated high school in May of 2014, I had my whole life set out before me. I was going to attend a major university on a music scholarship, and teach high school and junior high students how to play music and how to play with passion. That same month, I accepted an internship at the church I attended and little did I know, my life was going to be forever changed by the following summer.
I enrolled at the university I would be attending in June of 2014 about midway through my internship. I thoroughly enjoyed my time so far as an intern, but did not really feel like it was something I could do for the rest of my life. As the summer progressed and we started doing more, I fell in love with what we were doing. We were planning camps and services, showing the love of Christ to high school students in the Broken Arrow area and having a blast while doing so. I loved it so much. By the end of the summer, I decided that I would be miserable if I did not do student ministry for the rest of my life. So, I drove to the school I was planning on attending, dropped out and enrolled in a local community college three days before classes started. God sure does have a great sense of humor!
I say all of this to tell you that I thought I had found my passion. I thought I would be working with junior high and high school students and telling them all about playing music. Instead, I now work with junior high and high school students and tell them all about the One who loves them beyond belief. I just passed two years of being on staff at the church I grew up in, and I cannot tell you how much joy I get from going to work every day. I encourage you to find the thing that makes you happiest and chase after it. Not just in a jog, but in a dead sprint after it. Do not stop, do not let anyone tell you that it is foolish. Chase after your biggest passion and please don't ever stop. The world needs more passionate individuals. You have your passions for a reason, do not neglect them. I promise you that once you find your passion and start working at it daily, untold joy overflows from everything. Much love and God bless.