I am going a girls' road trip to a very special place in Virginia and, as I was packing for my trip, I thought about the necessities that I was going to need for my car. I am one of the most prepared people I know, so I have a very thorough packing list for your car.
1. Snacks
The most important part of the packing list (besides the clothes) that you need to focus on. At some point, one of your friends or you will become hungry and you want to make sure that you have plenty of snacks to get you through the drive. A good snack to have with you is pretzels and chips. You should also make sure that you have plenty of water and fun drinks to quench your thirsts as you drive.
2. Napkins and Wet Wipes
During the trip, someone is going to get messy or spill something on themselves. When that happens, you should be sure to have napkins and wipes ready to go. I always keep a napkin bag in my car that I put napkins from fast food places in after I eat there.
3. Phone Charger
You should definitely keep a phone charger in your car or at least keep a plug in for a phone plug that way someone can plug in their half dead phone. This also comes in handy when you are having to use your phone for the GPS which drains your battery.
4. Scissors or knife
I keep these in my car and they have come in very handy. One time when my car had died, I had to use my scissors to put my car into neutral. These can also be used to open things or to cut things that you don't want.
5. Air Freshener
You should always keep some sort of air freshener or perfume in your car because you never know when it might be handy. You might smell badly or you car could, so it is nice to have scent that you like with you.
6. Bandaids and other items in a first aid kit
I like to keep bandaids, cortisone cream, lotion and antibacterial wipes just in case someone should get injured. I have been driving and noticed that my arm or my leg are bleeding or that I scraped a scab and needed a band aid.
7. Ice scraper or snow brush
For majority of the year, I live in an area where there is snow or ice most of the time. I always make sure that there is an ice scraper in my car because one time I didn't have one and I had to use the back of a hair brush.
8. Towel
I keep at least two towels in my car just in case I spontaneously decide to go in a creek or it begins raining and I get soaking wet. It also works if something gets spilled in your car or someone gets cold.
9. Blankets and socks
Since I live in an area where it's constantly cold, I like to keep a blanket in car just in case the passengers get cold. It also comes in handy when you have to put something in your car but don't want it to scratch your car.
10. Rockin' CDs or an Aux cord
When my friends and I go on road trips, we always make sure that we have some jams to listen to. One of us makes a playlist of everyone's favorite songs so that the time will go by more quickly. You just have to make sure you don't give the aux cord to the person with weird music.
11. Hair products
I like to keep a hairbrush, some dry hairspray and plenty of hair ties in my car. These come in handy when you want to put the windows down, but you don't want your hair to get ruined.
12. Makeup and suncreen
I know that when you are traveling, you don't like to get dressed up or do your makeup. When you get out from a long drive, it always feels good to put on some powder and some mascara to make you feel a bit more put together. I also keep sunscreen in my car because I am not about that skin cancer life.
13. Umbrella and a rain jacket
I always keep an umbrella or a rain jacket in my car because you never know when it might rain and you don't want to get stuck in the rain high and dry.