Richard Avedon | The Odyssey Online
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nspired By The Action Of Richard Avedon

Across the world, there are millions of photographers who capture historical moments every day through the lens of their own camera, but only so many photographers are left remembered for the work they have produced.

nspired By The Action Of Richard Avedon
Alana Charboneau

Photography can bring such inspiring, long-life memories. Each photograph taken holds such a unique perspective to life and really challenges people to feel comfortable with reality.

Suzy Parker and Robin Tattersall, coat by Dior, Place de la Concorde, Paris, August 1, 1956Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon, born and raised in New York City, first became a photographer when he was about 12 years old and grew up to produced such memorable portraiture across many different avenues of photography. He challenged the brave, aka the models, and inspired the people to become more fashionable with these fabulous outfits that can make whoever wears them feel happy. When Richard felt good, the photographers felt good. He would get what he would want, he was patient but he was also quick to act to catch intense moments.

Nastassja Kinski, actress, Los Angeles, June 14, 1981Richard Avedon

He has photographed millions of people in thousands of different places. He made people want to work harder for the product he was photographing, especially if it was expensive. Avedon would photograph some of the most historical moments, he was always just in such an artistic mindset. He bent the rules and laws of style in portrait/model photography. In the snake photo above, Kinski laid down for two hours on a cement floor while the snake would slowly go up and through her naked body. She described it as, "smooth, calm, strong, big, muscle" and then, it kissed her on the ear. It was an extraordinary photograph that created such a sexual, intense moment in time. He explained how it's somewhat close to impossible to get that exact moment you're looking for with action/fashion photography but sometimes the moments right before or after are the best ones.

Twiggy, hair by Ara Gallant, Paris, January 6, 1968Richard Avedon

When photographing women, he wanted the athletic look, he wanted the clothing and the hairstyles and the dresses to be flowing. It shows the power in the woman, the power in the dress, and the ability of moment and fierceness.

Cyd Charisse, dress by Macrini, New York, New York, June 9, 1961Richard Avedon

Avedon would find himself in each photograph of the people that he shot. Owen Edwards said, "He wants to see everything there is to see on that surface." His entire life he had mixed emotions about his father, so when photographing his stages of death, he didn't know whether to feel guilty or free. Avedon's photographs have portrayed a lot of harsh and sensitive material that have at often times become controversial, but they are all expressive for a meaning. They reflect the suffering of people and the struggles that make someone exactly who they are meant to be. The face, the lines, wrinkles, and everything involved was crucial to him, it created the whole story.

Avedon's passion, kindness, and dedication to his work are emotional and excellent to witness and be able to learn from. He always gives emotions to his subjects or the people viewing, to ensure each photo has the ability to become remarkable.

Richard AvedonInstagram

When thinking about photography, I realize there is a state of mind each photographer gets into and no mindset is created the same way. One of the most important things about creating and challenging new art is to be passionate about it. Find meaning and find fundamental characteristics that connect with a deeper meaning in yours or someone else life. I see it as being all about how willing the model is to be involved and get excited. Once we all feel that connection about the inner meaning behind these subjects and their costumes, we can create fundamentally memorable moments.

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