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3 Tips To Staying Organized During Remote Learning, From A Professional Organizer Herself

This time is stressful which is why it's important to be organized and stay on top of things.

3 Tips To Staying Organized During Remote Learning, From A Professional Organizer Herself

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This year has been nothing short of weird. This summer came and went in a blink of an eye. I mean if you would consider this a "summer." School has started for a lot of people myself included. And it can be quite overwhelming.

It might be because it's my senior year but this semester seems like a lot.

All my classes are virtual which I know is going to be a big of a struggle. I have always preferred to be in a classroom but I understand that right now isn't the best time for that. But something that is helping me is planning and making lists.

I've always been into making lists but it only happened occasionally. But now it's something I do always. It's great to have a general idea of your day.

These tips are pretty simple but go a long way. Planning can help you mentally and make you not feel so anxious. But understand that it's okay to not follow your plan every day.

It's okay to feel overwhelmed. I do all of this and still sometimes feel overwhelmed. It happens we can't always be perfect.

This helps you achieve your goals and not be so overwhelmed. So here are some tips.

Buy a planner.


Buying a cute planner is a great way to keep you motivated. It doesn't have to be expensive. Stores like Marshalls and Tj Maxx have cute affordable planners. I got mine from target.

Keep your personal and school schedule separate.


This might sound strange for some people but I like to keep these things separate. This helps me not feel so overwhelmed.

For my doctors appointments and other appointments I like to put it in my google calendar on my phone. This calendar also sends me notifications 30 minutes before the appointment. So it helps me remember and you can customize it.

Plan your day accordingly.


I have been told by a few people that I'm a planner and that I should live in the moment. I agree and I do live in the moment, but when school hits I like to schedule my workouts, meals, assignments, class time, and self-care time.

It sounds strange to some people but thats how I get stuff done. I make a plan for my days usually the night before. This allows me to see how much time I have and allows me to not feel stressed throughout the day. Trust me it does help.

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