A Recap Of The Biggest Events Of 2015 In The Entertainment Industry
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A Recap Of The Biggest Events Of 2015 In The Entertainment Industry

Kanye West 2020.

A Recap Of The Biggest Events Of 2015 In The Entertainment Industry

Well guys, we made it, it's finally 2016. What better way to start the year off than remember the biggest events in pop culture/entertainment? I personally felt that 2015 had a lot to offer, whether it was freaking out over an album, or heads turning over a petty social media photos. Here is a recap of some events that definitely made me turn my head in 2015.

The Weeknd: "Beauty Behind the Madness"

I could talk about this artist for hours, but for the sake of this article, I'll keep it short (sigh). Some of you may remember him from his dark/mysterious phase in "House of Balloons," when he was more of an underground artist. Since HOB, many followers, like myself, have been waiting for a "big drop" to come from this young talented, Canadian artist. August 2015, it finally happened, "Beauty Behind the Madness" was released. This album not only featured artists, such as Ed Sheeran and Lana Del Rey, but also exposed some upbeat songs that totally caught us by surprise. Ever since then his fan base EXPLODED. 2015 was just the beginning, 2016 is ready for you, Abel.

Gigi Hadid

I think we've all seen this girl somewhere, whether it was modeling for Guess, Topshop, or the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show?! I think 2015 was a huge year for this 20-year-old model. She was just the girl who was dating Cody Simpson, and then Joe Jonas, and now Zayn Malik, but I mean, she is breath-taking to say the least.

Kylie Jenner and Tyga

Of course we know about the famous Kardashian Klan, but the Jenner seemed to take over 2015 as they were deemed "The Most Influential Teens." Kylie Jenner herself caught everyone by surprise with her edgy style and pouty lips. During the summer, the young reality star bought herself a $2.7 million mansion, oh, and started dating Tyga? What? I have to admit, this took everyone by surprise due to their seven year age difference, considering Kylie was seeing the famous rapper at the age of 17. Their shipname "Kyga" took the Internet by storm. It's still weird, and I will never like it.

Drake: "Hotline Bling"

Not only is this sing catchy, but the music video caused more spark than anything. With Drake, dancing like a dad, in a vibrant cubical setting, it provoked some people to think "Hey, lets make a meme out of this" which ranged from tennis playing to making a pizza? They were hilarious to say the least.. and random. But hey we all got a good laugh out of it, and Drake is still a 10/10 in my book

Kanye running for president?

The question is, is he really running for president? So many questions came up after Kanye's rather "inspirational" speech at the 2015 Video Music Awards. I mean, the first 30 seconds of his "speech" was him looking down on his screaming followers. Who knows, maybe Kanye will actually run and have a chance, that is, if he turns into a total feminist in 2020.

Frank Ocean pissing us all off with no album.

Cmon' Frank. You really think people would be over this by now? You teased us with your new album all summer basically. Guess what you got instead? No new album, and a bunch of pissed off Ocean lovers, including myself. SO THANKS FOR NOTHING.

Zayn Malik leaving One Direction

That sexy voice that hit all the high-notes in One Direction's songs is no more, and we all miss it. His tattoos, mysteriousness, and edgy style turned heads without a doubt. Ever since his departure from the 1D madness, he made friends, lost friends, and broke over a million pre-teen's hearts. Guess he couldn't handle the fame as he left 1D, and now ex-fiancee, Perrie Edwards from Little Mix. Now you can see him hanging with supermodel Gigi Hadid, or taking shirtless photos of himself. You do you, Zayn.

Donald Trump

Enough said.

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