Why Does Everyone Hate My Generation?
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Why Does Everyone Hate My Generation?

The Millennial generation is probably the most hated generation

Why Does Everyone Hate My Generation?

First let me tell you a few words that millennials are called. Lazy. Entitled. Selfish. Whiny. Selfie. Socially awkward. TEXTING. Environmental conscious?

The millennial generation, a generation of children born between 1982 and 2002, many have already entered the workforce. There is so much hatred and trash talk that is geared toward the millennial generation. Are you ready for this?

What do you get when you plug a millennial in? A vacuum cleaner because they suck.

What did the vampire say to the millennial? No, you suck.

These are just a couple of the jokes us millennials hear.

Millennials are said to put the thought of adulthood on the back burner. Many don't want responsibilities, problems get pushed aside while we spend most of our day on our smartphones, tablets, laptops anything electronic we can get our hands on. To make is short and sweet, we avoid the real world. I say, “we”, “our”, and “us” because I am part of this popular generation.

Our parents grew up taking home economic classes, learned skills and task such as filing taxes and applying for insurance. (Do high schools even offer home economic classes now?) Now our parents are doing these task for us, because we lack the knowledge and effort to complete them. I can honestly say I know so many people that rely on their parents so much.

Lets face it, we are afraid…afraid of the future, afraid of failure, and afraid of growing up. This is not the negative Nancy coming out but the realistic part of me. Life is hard, it was never meant to be easy. Everyone on this planet goes through difficult situations and obstacles so I hope that our generation will stop putting problems on the back burner.

Here are just a couple of reasons why we are not the favorite generation, but the least favorite.

We know nothing about Politics

According to the Fusion poll, 77% of millennials could not name a senator from their home state, but we love the government. According to a Reason Foundation poll from 2014, millennials hate both political parties but somehow have a higher opinion of Congress than any other age groups. Apparently, we are dumb for wanting Bernie as our president.

We are the generation least informed about the news

In a recent Pew Research Center study, millennials performed the poorest of the public’s knowledge of current events. They averaged 7.8 questions right on a 12 question quiz. Less than any other age group.

Addicted to technology

“They have trouble making decisions. They would rather hike in the Himalayas than climb the corporate ladder.They crave entertainment, but their attention span is as short as one zap of TV dial,” said Time Magazine.

We oppose vaccination
In a recent YouGov poll, millennials oppose vaccination more than any other age group. According to the research one out of five millennials think vaccines cause autism.

We have absolutely no clue about economics

Millennials are the most economically illiterate humans on this Earth. “We demand free birth control!” “We want free university education!” “Free health care!”

We are high on self-esteem and feel entitled all the time

Us, millennials like to believe we are smarter than we actually are. We should be getting $45,000 - $50,000 salary out of college because we earned our diploma so we deserve a higher level career.

We are LAZY

A 2014 YouGov poll shows that 69% of Americans think those under 30 are lazy. Around 31% of people aged 18-29 think adults over 30 are harder workers than themselves. My favorite, according the lifestyle guru Martha Stewart, “They don't have the initiative to go out and find a little apartment and grow a tomato plant on the terrace.”

Now according to dailyrepublic.com, “Millennials, the generation that is now moving into power in America, with several decades of dominance to come.”

Like I stated above, I am millennial, of course there are things I dislike about my generation such as the inability to live without social media, or the fact we rather talk about reality TV than the social and injustice issues that go on throughout the world. Every generation has its cons, as well as pros. Millennials are probably the most creative thinkers yet. We are not motivated by job security rather by relationships and happiness.

Little do they know that millennials will account for 75% of the global workforce in 2025. Get ready America, the millennials will soon be taking over!

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