10 Reasons To Support President Trump
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10 Reasons I Support Our President

One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.

10 Reasons I Support Our President

In the past couple of years, I have heard people saying things like #notmypresident and many have gone out of their way to make it clear that they don't like our current president.

I understand that you all have a difference in opinion than some of us, and not only feel the need to constantly express that, but have a first amendment right to express that. I get it. However, to those of you who are still complaining, could you tone it down a bit.

Please. We spend eight years under President Obama, and those of us who disagreed with him did not spend the entire time trashing him and complaining about him. If you watched President Trump's 2019 State of the Union Address, you'll notice how much good our President has done for this country and how much he actually cares about this country. I'm not saying Donald Trump is a saint.

He's not. He is, however, doing good for our country and it is about time people open their eyes and see that. Here are just a few of the reasons why I believe Donald Trump has been a great President.

1. He wants to be one nation

He is all about America. In his State of the Union address, he said (not an exact quote) that he wants to govern not as two separate parties, but as one nation. He wants to unite America and become one nation again. Who doesn't want that?! That should be every American's dream. To be united as one Nation.

2. He wants to secure our borders

He's not looking to simply keep immigrants out. He is looking to make a stronger and more secure country. Letting in only legal immigrants, keeps in check who is entering our country. This is not just for our sake, but also for those looking for a new life here.

If we get even a few bad people entering our country, that does not just affect us, but the good people who have come to our country as well. If they now live here, our problems become their problems.

Those problems can be much more fixable if we have control over the source of the problems.He wants immigrants to come in our country in the largest numbers so long as they come in legally. Is that too much to ask?

Tolerance for illegal immigration is not compassionate, but in fact cruel. By allowing illegal immigration and keeping open borders, one in three women is sexually assaulted on their journey north. Smugglers use children as exploits and use them to gain access to our country.

Human traffickers and sex traffickers are taking advantage of the open borders.The ICE officers made 266, 000 arrests of criminals at the border in just the past two years alone.

3. He celebrates the majesty of america's mission

In his State of the Union Address, he took the time to celebrate an recognize people who have helped America evolve and become a safer place.

He recognized the brave men who fought in World War II. He was able to recognize by name three of these men: Private first class Joseph Riley, Staff Sergeant Urving Locker and Sergeant Herman Ziecheck.

He also Recognized Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11 Astronaut) , who was one of the men who went to space and planted the American Flag on the moon. He honored these men. This is just to name a few. Would someone who hates America or wishes it harm do that?

4. He has helped create new jobs

A big part of what President Trump set out to do as President was to bring back and/or create new jobs to bring down unemployment. To America great and prosperous for all Americans. Since he has become President they've created 5.3 million new jobs.Unemployment has reached the lowest it has ever been. 157 million people are at work today. That is the most it has ever been.

5. He has admitted both parties have messed up

In describing what his administration's goals were, he said that they are looking to fix problems caused not just by Democrats, but by Republicans as well. He is not out to get those of the opposing party.

He cares about America first and is willing to admit that the past leaders of America (both Democrats and Republicans) have failed America in some way. He is not looking at simply Democrats as wrong, but a number of Republicans as well.

6. He is getting Americans off food stamps

Since he has been President, wages have risen to the point that 5 million Americans are off food stamps. This does not mean he has forced them off food stamps, but that they are in fact making enough money to be able to provide for their families without the use of food stamps. That is amazing.

7. He has eliminated the Obama care act individual mandate penalty

The mandate penalty required those who did not have qualifying health coverage to pay a fee. This is no longer the case. Those who do not have the coverage do not have to pay that fee.

8. The U. S. is the #1 producer of oil and natural gas

We have become the number one producer of oil and natural gas. We're number one in the world. Because of this we are what Trump says "a net exporter of energy."

9. We have the most powerful military

Most Powerful Military. Need I say more? Our military did not become strong because of Trump. It has been able to remain strong because of him.

10. He respects all human life

He is a pro-life President. He believes in respecting all human life. In the past two years he has been in office, he has been working towards Defunding planned parenthood and ending abortion.

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