Ready Or Not, It's Time To Adult
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Ready Or Not, It's Time To Adult

Goals I've set for myself to begin adulting as a graduate student.

Ready Or Not, It's Time To Adult
Lindsey Riesselman

A phrase I constantly still find myself saying as I begin my 23rd year of life is that I am not ready to adult yet. Part of that statement is often true, especially when it comes to managing expenses and working. But for me adulating looks a little different from those I have graduated college with.

Many of my college peers have found jobs right out of college and are on their way to having a career. However, my career path has taken me on a different route and I have another three years of schooling to go through. So on top of the other "adulting" responsibilities I also have an education to work for as well, which almost makes me feel like I’m not quite there yet. As I get ready for this school year to take off I have made some goals that might be vital to the beginning of the "adulting" years as a Graduate Student.

1. School becomes top focus.

I have always been an average student when it comes to classes and school. However, school is not one of my favorite things to do. These next three years are going to be the most challenging academically and also the most important. Going into this program I want to be more successful than I ever have academically. I know that is going to mean a lot of hours hitting the book especially with the rigorous expectations of graduate school. Also what better way is there to set up solid responsibility than with course work. Not only is being successful academically important just for the point of achieving good grades but what I learn here will be what I use as a future Art Therapist and the more I put in to this program and the harder I try the more I will take out when graduation time rolls around again and I will be successful at my career in the long run.

2. Learn to budget and manage money.

This is by far the hardest thing I have had to teach myself but a major key to growing up and becoming an adult. As I have officially moved out of my house I have new expenses that I didn’t really have to pay for before. I have to pay for rent monthly, buying groceries, and other living expenses. Being organized enough and determined enough to keep a budget and start saving money is a big step to take when entering adulthood. A step that has taken me years to figure out and keep up with and is still a work in progress. But I hope that as I begin working I can begin planning out a budget and successfully uphold myself financially.

3. Grow.

In these next three years I have a lot of potential to grow in many different ways. I will grow academically and in knowledge of my profession and field. I will also grow in who I am spiritually and personally. It is another one of my goals to make sure I am doing this. I want each day to be a better version of myself than the day before. I want to continue learning about myself and growing my personality and identity. Figuring out who you are and who you want to be is a huge step in growing up. It is my goal to grow spiritually, to strengthen my relationship with Christ and to live out my purpose according to God’s will. I also want to grow in my identity. Which mostly comes from finding who I am in Christ. I want to strive to be the person I’ve always imagined myself to be and in doing this I know I will reach new heights and go places and do things I would have never imagined doing. I also want to grow in relationships. Starting at a new school in a new state I have the opportunity to build new friendships and to grow into a new circle of friends and connections. My goal is to be bold enough to reach out and make these connections happen. My goal is to never return to the shell of a shy girl that I use to be. I want to live and experience life and what fun is that if you don’t have friends to experience it with.

4. Last, but not least. Never Stop Dreaming.

Obtaining a Masters Degree and chasing after a dream career can seem a little scary at times. I am sure I will face tough times in classes or internships. I know the road ahead of me isn’t going to be a cake walk, but my goal is to never let that kill the dream of what I want to do with my life. I have felt my passion die before and I have almost given up on this path. I never want to feel that again. No matter how tough it seems or however discouraged I may get, I will never let my passion and desire for this dream die. Not only is it my goal to keep dreaming but also never settle for anything that is less or just good enough. Always strive to keep the dream alive.

I’m sure there are many components to figuring out this whole "adulting" thing and I will most likely encounter them on my journey. But these are the goals I have set for myself this year and I’m ready to take on adulthood. Here goes nothing!!

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