Ray Lamontagne Plays Boston Venue | The Odyssey Online
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Ray Lamontagne Takes His Tour 'To The Sea,' Or At Least To The Boston Harbor

Just another simple night.

Ray Lamontagne Takes His Tour 'To The Sea,' Or At Least To The Boston Harbor
Erin Alzapiedi

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Saturday July 23 - Ray Lamontagne and opening act Neko Case rocked the house at the Blue Hills Pavilion in South Boston.

Neko Case released her first solo work, "Blacklisted," with Bloodshot Records in 2002. Since then she has been honored with several awards, including Female Artist of the Year at the PLUG Independent Music Awards, and a nomination for Best Contemporary Folk Album at the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards in 2010.

Neko Case at Blue Hills Bank PavillionErin Alzapiedi

Case appeared on stage in patterned pants and a sweatshirt. She joked with the audience about how she had planned to show off in a tank top. That is, until it was 60 and raining. Her laid back set was perfect to set the mood. After a brief set change, Ray Lamontagne took the stage with his band.

Ray Lamontagne, a musician and songwriter, spent much of his life in rural New England. He began performing in 1999 and released "Trouble," his first studio album, in 2004. His most recent tour promotes his latest album "Part Of The Light," in which the rock influences stand out as a common thread.

Ray Lamontagne at Blue Hills Bank PavilionErin Alzapiedi

His Folk sound is heavily influenced by Rock, Country, and Soul; making it the perfect rainy day soundtrack, with just a little bit of edge. His vibe was perfect for all of the concert-goers who trekked through the streets of Boston in scattered rain showers this past weekend. Despite the dreary weather, the city was bustling and Montagne managed to pack the venue.

From 18-year fans to newbies, the captivated audience had every single word covered as they sang along. Those of you who follow his music won't be surprised to know that he's not much of a talker on stage. He did, however, let fans know that he would not be playing crowd favorite "Jolene," no matter how many times it was requested. Some other favorites that seemed to have fallen through the cracks included "Trouble," and "You Are The Best Thing."

Ray Lamontagne did play "Part Of The Light" in it's entirety as the audience sat back and soaked it all in. New fan favorites include "To The Sea," "Part of the Light," "Paper Man," and "Such a Simple Thing."

A few audience members decided to band together in an effort to wish Lamontagne a happy birthday, which just passed on June 18th. They even sang for him between his songs. Or rather, they tried to.

All in all, it was you average breezy night on the Boston Harbor, except it was better because it was spent with Ray Lamontagne and Neko Case. The tour makes it's next stop in Wallingford, CT before making the trip North to Bangor, ME. There's still time to snatch up some tickets!

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