Rating the Trailers of Comic-Con 2016
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Rating the Trailers of Comic-Con 2016

Trailers, Trailers Everywhere

Rating the Trailers of Comic-Con 2016

Another year, another Comic-Con. This past weekend was Comic-Con International, an annual convention held in San Diego, California, where creators of entertainment from around the world come together to preview new and upcoming content in front of thousands of people. With new information about fan-favorite movies, television shows, and comics, the hype can be increased by tenfold.

This year, there were a lot of reveals, (including the casting of Captain Marvel, who will be played by Brie Larson, which I am very excited for) and these reveals were mainly due to the release of trailers. In the past, trailers have been used in order to make audiences more enthusiastic for the upcoming pieces of entertainment, and this year was no exception. Many trailers were released, and while there were some great gems, there were also some that lacked some excitement. Yes, trailers can never indicate whether a movie will be good or bad, however, sometimes, there are great trailers that can indicate that the film will be fantastic. Here is a run-down of the trailers released at Comic-Con, and whether or not they delivered on their goal to excite viewers.

Justice League

Because Justice League does not come out until November 17, 2017, not many expected there to be a full trailer for the film. However, DC surprised the audience by releasing new footage of the film with new characters including The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg, and it proved to be one of the best trailers that were released during Comic-Con. It looks much better than Batman v. Superman, with its witty dialogue, great and interesting new characters, and even a fun atmosphere, which is a big jump for the DC Cinematic Universe. Just by looking at this trailer alone, there is so much potential with this film, and, hopefully, the film will be as fun and entertaining as this.

Rating: A

Wonder Woman

This trailer was, in one word, breathtaking. This trailer not only has an abundance of action and thrill, but it also shows the character of Wonder Woman, and it shows a glimpse as to how the character will grow through the film. This is possibly the best trailer of what was released during Comic-Con because it was able to show action, emotion, and a hint of a plot without spoiling anything. Like Justice League, there is a lot of potential with this film, and it looks as if Wonder Woman will actually deliver in its final product.

Rating: A+

Suicide Squad

There have been many great trailers that have come from Suicide Squad, which has made the anticipation for this film increase with every trailer that has been released. A great thing about the Suicide Squad trailers is their sound editing, which combines the sound effects with the songs from the background, which shows how much thought has been put into the creation of these trailers. And, while it’s great that they continue to make more fantastic trailers and to release more content, they haven’t really shown anything new. That could be because the film will be released in a couple of weeks, but still, there was just not much to offer in this trailer.

Rating: B+

The LEGO Batman Movie

Like The LEGO Movie, the trailer for The LEGO Batman Movie had of charm and fun, and, also like its predecessor, it was incredibly charming. With the trailer alone, viewers can tell that this film will be satirizing the atmosphere of the more recent DC films that have been dark and solemn, and seeing a movie that is so self-aware of other Batman films really entertaining to watch. Like its predecessor, it’s easy to tell that this film will be entertaining for both children and adults and has, therefore, made a lot of anticipation for this film.

Rating: A-

Kong: Skull Island

There have been many King Kong films it’s a little predictable as to what will happen; however, this film seems to solely take place on Skull Island instead of going to New York. Not much is known about the film, and not much is shown in the trailer, so there’s not much to go on as to knowing whether this film will be good or not. However, from what the Kong: Skull Island trailer does convey is that the film has a great cast and seemingly good looking visual effects, so this could be a great action film with stunning cinematography.

Rating: B+

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

The world of Harry Potter has returned to the big screen, and this trailer just fueled the amount of excitement around the film. By revealing many new creatures, it really takes the audience to a different world. It also featured new characters and new and intriguing plot lines, which made anticipation grow even more. With all of the wonder and enchantment from the magical world, it only makes the viewers want the released date to come even more because of the amount of intrigue that has been placed on this trailer.

Rating: A-

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

It’s easy to tell from the trailer that this is a Guy Ritchie film. It’s fast paced and unique style gives it away immediately. What’s bad about this is that his style doesn’t exactly fit the medieval atmosphere. It makes the trailer a little strange and unbalanced. It’s also very confusing and all over the place, making it a little disappointing to watch.

Rating: C+

Blair Witch

Blair Witch was actually titled “The Woods” until it was revealed to be the sequel to the 1999 film, The Blair Witch Project. This surprise was unveiled at Comic-Con this year and was completely unexpected. However, there is now a lot of hesitation around the film. The Blair Witch Project was such a phenomenon when it was released, and, truthfully, does not really need a sequel, and, from the trailer at least, just looks like another generic “cabin in the woods” film. There is not a lot going for this film, and the trailer just looks bland and just looks like another Blair Witch Project, but without the intrigue and without the mystery like the original.

Rating: C

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange is unlike any superhero movie before it, and the trailer shows that. With stunning visuals and Inception-like action sequences, this looks to be a mind-bending action movie with a lot of interesting characters. There is so much going on in the trailer; however, there is still a lot of mystery towards the actual plot, which makes for an interesting trailer. It’s great to see that there is going to be a superhero movie that is unique and fascinating to watch, as there have been many films that have been released that are repetitive and reflective of other films.

Rating: B+

Netflix’s Trio of Trailers: Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and The Defenders

Netflix has somehow made a Marvel Universe that is more thrilling and exciting than its own cinematic universe, and these trailers do not disappoint. The trailer for Luke Cage is the longest of the three and shows the titular hero showing off his abilities, and exhibits a fantastically choreographed fight scene along with a great song. The teaser for Iron Fist reveals the character, as he hasn’t been previously seen. It put a lot of intrigue into the character, as it briefly shows the who the titular character is, and what will be shown in the show. The Defenders teaser didn’t show any filmed content; however, with its combinations of the titles from the other Netflix shows, it puts a lot of hype into the much-anticipated union of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. These small, but also slightly informative trailers put just enough information and scenes to make a lot of excitement for the three new Netflix originals. Because of the high quality and highly rated Netflix shows, Daredevil and Jessica Jones, it’s easy to see that these three are also going to be equally spectacular, and these teasers create even more anticipation for what is to come out of these beloved heroes.

Rating: A

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