2. Dodger from "Oliver and Company" | The Odyssey Online
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45 Disney Dogs Ranked From The Worst To The Goodest Boys And Girls

From the meanest pooch to the best good boy!

45 Disney Dogs Ranked From The Worst To The Goodest Boys And Girls

Disney dogs. You know them, you love them (Well, most of them). There are quite a few times that the dog is the best part of a Disney movie. One thing's for sure, though, that some of our favorite Disney films just would not be complete without man's best friend! So here's my definitive ranking of all the Disney dogs, from bad dogs to the best boys and girls!

45. The hunter dogs from "Bambi"


Look how terrifying these dogs are! Plus, they're partially responsible for killing Bambi's mom, so they're definitely at the bottom of this list. When it comes to Disney dogs, they're the worst of the worst.

44. Roscoe and Desoto from "Oliver and Company"


These dogs are also really mean. They taunt Oliver and his friends and attack Dodger. They are both definitely bad dogs.

43. Scud from "Toy Story"


Ugh, this dog is the worst!

42. Percy from "Pocahontas"


Okay, now we're done with the villains.

41. Chief from "The Fox and the Hound"


I've just never liked Chief, simple as that.

40. Rusty from "Home on the Range"


I don't know anything about this dog, tbh.

39. Napoleon and Lafayette from "The Aristocats"


Once again, two dogs I don't know about.

38. Stella from "The Princess and the Frog"


Look at those eyes! I'm not even mad that she's drooling all over the table.

37. Annette, Collette, and Danielle from "Lady and the Tramp 2"


Yes, the dogs in the sequels count, too!

36. Toby from "The Great Mouse Detective"


Toby's such a brave and helpful pup!

35. Scamp from "Lady and the Tramp 2"


Yes, he's a troublemaker, but he's adorable, so I love him.

34. Peg from "Lady and the Tramp"


She's got the best song in all of "Lady and the Tramp".

33. Danny from "101 Dalmatians"


He's the one who starts the Twilight Bark to help Pongo and Perdita find their puppies!

32. Thunderbolt from "101 Dalmatians"


A dog in a TV show in a movie about dogs? It doesn't get more meta than this.

31. The Collie from "101 Dalmatians"


The Collie helps Pongo, Perdita, and the puppies find food in shelter in the winter storm.

30. Einstein from "Oliver and Company"


Same, Einstein. Same.

29. The Labrador from "101 Dalmatians"


This dog doesn't get nearly enough appreciation. He helped Pongo, Perdita, and the puppies find their way home.

28. The Colonel from "101 Dalmatians"


The Colonel is another brave dog in "101 Dalmatians". That film is just full of good dogs!

27. Bruno from "Cinderella"


Yes, he's pretty lazy, but he did shove Lucifer the cat out the window, so that's great.

26. Nana from "Peter Pan"


Nana is so protective over the Darling children! It's kind of weird they were raised by a dog, but they turned out alright, so I'm not going to question it.

25. Francis from "Oliver and Company"


This is one of the two best lines from "Oliver and Company" and the best comeback from any Disney movie ever.

24. Georgette from "Oliver and Company"


Seriously, I need this dog's beauty regimen!

23. Tito from "Oliver and Company"


This is the other best line from "Oliver and Company", in case you were wondering.

22. Rita from "Oliver and Company"


Sorry there's so many characters from "Oliver and Company", but when your cast is pretty much all dogs, whatcha gonna do?

21. The Footstool from "Beauty and the Beast"


This dog was loyal to his master even when he was a footstool. That's a good boy right there.

20. Buster from "Toy Story"


Buster is definitely one of greatest friends to have for life.

19. Little Brother from "Mulan"


No other Disney dog has made me laugh harder than Little Brother. Even looking at this gif makes me laugh.

18. Patch from "101 Dalmatians"


He's stubborn, but he's still oh so adorable.

17. Trusty from "Lady and the Tramp"


Trusty is the most dependable dog ever. He's such a good friend to everyone.

16. Jock from "Lady and the Tramp"


Jock is so loyal, even though he didn't trust Tramp at first.

15. Bolt from "Bolt"


Bolt is a true hero both on and off screen!

14. Lucky from "101 Dalmatians"


Lucky is one of the most relatable pups on this list. There are certainly days when I'm glued to the front of the TV.

13. Rolly from "101 Dalmatians"


Rolly is the best and cutest puppy in "101 Dalmatians". He's the voice of a generation.

12. Slinky Dog from "Toy Story"


Slinky will do anything for his friends, even hang out of a moving van.

11. Copper from "The Fox and the Hound"


Well, bring on the tears, I guess.

10. Perdita from "101 Dalmatians"


Perdita is so calm, classy, and the most protective mother on this list. She would do anything to make sure her children are safe.

9. Lady from "Lady and the Tramp"


Lady is also extremely classy, and she lives in the most beautiful house ever.

8. Tramp from "Lady and the Tramp"


I think Peg said it best: "What a dog!"

7. Pongo from "101 Dalmatians"


Pongo is so brave and extremely clever. He organizes the cutest meet-cute of all time!

6. Pluto from "Mickey and Friends"


Any best pal of Mickey's is a best pal of mine, too!

5. Goofy from "Mickey and Friends"


Yes, he's a big goof, but I love him all the same.

4. Winston from "Feast"


Look at how cute this puppy is!! I would gladly let him eat all my meals.

3. Max from "The Little Mermaid"


Honestly, this is the Disney dog I would most want to be my dog. He's just so sweet and friendly!

2. Dodger from "Oliver and Company"


Seriously, how can one dog be so cool? (Answer: he's voiced by Billy Joel).

1.Dug from "Up"


Dug is so heroic, loyal, and will always love you, even though he just met you! He is definitely the best good boy on this list.

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