Be warned this contains spoilers.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is an interesting movie to say the least. Atypical to the beloved franchise, it's the first major film in the series that does not revolve around the Skywalker family line, or even the Jedi-Sith dynamic. Director Gareth Edwards (known for 2014’s Godzilla) instead opted to shine a light on the gritty reality that is the plight of the non-super powered rebellion; as they go on a mission to steal the Death Star plans (this movie takes place between episodes III and IV). While his film hasn’t generated as much hype as The Force Awakens, a recent trailer launch left fans hopeful to see a thrilling adventure in cinemas come December 16th.
Most notably, the trailer features an all-star cast including Donnie Yen, Forrest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen and (of course) protagonist Felicity Jones. The lead goes by the name of Jyn Erso, who is a very different main character than we're used to seeing as a Star Wars protagonist. The three trilogy protagonists (well, the two plus Anakin, since the prequels didn’t have one main protagonist) are doughy-eyed and naïve at the start of their journeys. Jyn Erso clearly is not. She's a criminal accused of stealing, forgery, aggravated assault, and resisting arrest. She doesn't have that good guy -- play it by the book -- mentality that we see in Luke, Rey, or Anakin at their start. She's tough, gritty, and although rough around the edges-- can be a real diamond in the rough (Reminiscent of a certain smuggler).
Another intriguing character is Donnie Yen’s. When he was cast in the film, fans were shocked but thrilled. Once more, the trailer only fed to his hype, as he just walks up to a stormtrooper and beats him with a stick. Fan theories suggest that he could be the closest thing we'll get to a force user outside of Darth Vader (who is rumored to make an appearance). They believe that he may be playing a blind Jedi in hiding (many blind characters in the Expanded Universe use the Force to see) but that's more than likely false. It doesn’t look like he’ll be sporting a lightsaber anytime soon.
On a more political note, what strikes me as interesting (to say the least) is that Disney and Lucasfilm have hired actors and actresses with a progressive agenda. JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy noted that inclusivity and progressive ideologies would propel casting choices for their sequel trilogy and other Star Wars films. I think I speak for most fans when I say we don't care, cast the best people- and while they've got an incredible cast for Rogue One, I can't help but wonder if others lost an opportunity due to their gender or the color of their skin. But I digress. We've had enough politics in episodes I-III, so I won't add any more to this piece.
Exclusively talking about the trailer now, we're shown what was advertised. This movie looks like it's putting the war in Star Wars on a whole other level. We are exposed to scenes of destruction, rebel pilots in chains, the sound of the imperial alarm being rung, and the main villain walking through the aftermath of battle. This trailer visually provided fans with the perfect first look into Rogue One. Regardless of whether you like Star Wars or not, this movie is one that’s definitely worth the watch.