3. Was there actually "no collusion"....? | The Odyssey Online
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7 Questions Everyone Who Is Not That Involved In Politics Is Dying To Ask

For every Trump-hater who is too confused to know what's up

7 Questions Everyone Who Is Not That Involved In Politics Is Dying To Ask

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I paid attention in Government class and know my fair share about the United States' very interesting political system.

However, there are times and situations in which I am struck by utter confusion, especially when it comes to thinking about President Trump.

I know I'm not alone.

There are many of us who wish we knew just a little more about what's really going on in the big White House.

So, here are seven questions that at least I know I think about a lot regarding today's political world:

1. How come we still haven't been able to impeach our beloved Mr. President?


I know, there are many steps needed to impeach a president. And, of course, many qualifications must be met.

Nevertheless, I have thought on several occasions that someone was finally smart enough to figure out what exactly Trump has done, and used that to finally impeach him.

So, why has it not occurred yet?

2. Why are so many Democrats running in the 2020 presidential elections, but there's not enough Republicans?


We all know that we're gonna be screwed if 2020 gives us another four years of Trump. Or, at least the Democrats definitely know it.

Why are they the only ones that have their head in the game for the upcoming election? I know for a fact that there are many Republicans who are unhappy with Trump, so why haven't they selected any candidates for the election yet?

3. Was there actually "no collusion"....?


I have heard Donald Trump say it over and over, and over, and over....and over again.

He claims that the report says there was "no collusion" in his election. But I'm still wondering...was there actually no collusion? It seems like everything was lined up for the report to prove that there was, in fact, collusion.

So how did the tables turn so quickly?

4. How many staff members has President Trump fired as of today?


Every time I switch on the news, it seems like another one of Trump's staff members has been fired. By him.

I guess he's just used to telling people that they're fired? I am so curious as to what his count is at today.

5. Is the president even allowed to fire as many people as he has?


Does Trump even have the power to fire people in the extreme and obsessive manner that he does? Does he even need the power?

I did not even know it was legal, or even possible, for one person to fire this many people. Are they actually doing things wrong?

Is he firing them on any basis or just because he is sick of them? Ahhhh. Too much to think about.

6. How good of a chance does Trump actually have at re-election?


It's the question every one is drying to know. There's no way more people are happy than unhappy with Trump as president, which means more than half of the population of the US most certainly does not want him to win re-election. But, does that matter? Speaking realistically, is he going to win again?

7. What in the heck is the reason that we still cannot get rid of the electoral college?!


And finally, why why WHY is the electoral college still in place. People say there are important reasons we cannot stop using it. But what are these reasons?

Asking because I genuinely want to know, and I'm sure many others feel the same way.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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