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8 things We learned from queer eye season one

A list of some of the biggest take-aways from season one

8 things We learned from queer eye season one

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This 20gayteen, not only were we blessed with the Queer Eye reboot we deserved, but the show was also renewed for a second season that gave us eight new transformative tales. With the season two having just come out, now is the perfect time to reflect on the top eight things we learned in season one.

1. Never give up on yourself

Season one, we met a dump truck driver with a kind heart and a passion for cars who decided "you can't fix ugly." As a result, he had all but given up on taking care of himself and finding love. In this episode we learned how important it is to be kind, gentle, and patient with ourselves because we're all someone worth loving and worth a little extra effort. When we forget that, it's easy for others to forget that too.

2. Taking you time isn’t selfish; it’s self-care

We saw it in "Camp Rules" and we saw it "In Hose Before Bros." While it's not necessarily a bad thing to put others first, you have to remember that you're also a priority, and you deserve nice things every once in a while, too. You can't just give, give, give without taking a little time for yourself. Life is a balance and in taking time for yourself, you aren't taking time away from other people; you're simply taking care of yourself so that you can put your best foot forward.

3. You can’t be afraid of what people will label you

In the episode "To Gay or Not to Gay," we met a young man who wasn't comfortable expressing himself for fear of coming off as the stereotypical image of a feminine gay man. His fear of being stereotyped led to him not doing some of the things he wanted and prevented him from living his best life. The thing is, people are always going to try and put you in a box. Despite your best efforts, people will always find a way to see you the way they want to, so you might as well do what makes you happy.

4. Conversations are everything

On Queer Eye, every makeover starts with a conversation. Not only are the Fab Five opening people's minds in terms of style, food, and lifestyle, they're also having serious conversations about masculinity, self-esteem, politics, and religion. What's important about these talks is that neither side is trying to convince the other how right they are or how wrong the other is. By actively listening to each other and trying to be open-minded, each person gains new insight.

5. It’s never too late to change your life round

Regardless of age, kids, or how out of hand you situation has gotten, you can always turn over a new leaf.

6. Comfort zones can hold you back

Comfort zones may be safe but your situation will never get any better if you constantly play it safe. Just because something is comfortable now doesn't mean it can't be improved.

7. Celebrate your uniqueness

What I love about queer eye is that it isn't about coming into a person's life, tearing them apart, and rebuilding them in whatever way the Fab Five deem acceptable. The team embraces the different quirks and personalities of each person to enhance what's already great about them. The best way to stand out isn't to follow trends, it's to present yourself in away that allows your uniqueness to shine through in the best way.

8. Changing the way you dress won’t change your situation

Of course, just showing someone how to pair patterns or prepare a classic old fashioned isn't going to improve their all around quality of life. To change your situation, you have to be willing to invite change into all aspects of your life and recognize that it's not a one-and-done week long project, but an ongoing process. It's great to have people around you to help and support you, but if you don't want the carriage to turn back into a pumpkin, you're going to have to continue on your own.

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