Feminism is a real movement in our generation. Empowered women shout cries of societal bondage, discrimination, and inequality. Songs like “Flawless," by Beyonce and Minaj, warn that marriage is an impediment, and an obstacle:
"Because I am female, I am expected to aspire to marriage, I am expected to make my life choices / Always keeping in mind that / Marriage is the most important."
Why is society trying to change the desires we all naturally have. Our Pinterest boards are full of pictures of rings, we swoon over the Bachelor and his tender appreciation for his potential future wife, and we dream of weddings before we graduate from kindergarten. Why can we not aspire to accomplish the goal of making a good wife and mother?
I think the characters of "Grey's Anatomy" can give us a new perspective on why aspiring to marry is a beneficial aspiration.
Marriage can provide us with a support system. We will always have someone to come home to and cry about our rough days at work, our rude coworkers, and our exasperations of parenthood. Furthermore, marriage can provide us with security. If we fall down, if we fail, there will always be a partner to pick us up, and have our back until we can fully recover. After all, isn't that what having “a person" is for? Dr. Yang and Dr. Hunt's short-lived marriage proved this the best through Yang's dark depression, and Hunt's constant support to bring her back.
Society makes us think that marriage mean our life is over -- no more adventures, no more life planning, no more going out, and no more experiencing. Yet, "Grey's Anatomy" proves that marriage sometimes means your life is just beginning; it allows the two of you to build a life together, and to discover yourselves together. Alex illustrates this.
“Today is the day my life begins. All my life I've been just me, just a smart-mouthed kid. Today I become a man. Today I become a husband. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself. Today I become accountable to you, to our future, to all the possibilities our marriage has to offer. Together no matter what happens, I'll be ready for anything. For everything. To take on life. To take on love. To take on the possibility and responsibility. Today, our life begins. And I for one, can't wait."
Dr. Meredith Grey and Dr. Derek Shepherd prove this, as well.
Marriage teaches us determination and to not give up, to fight for what we want. This can only aid us in our careers, future, and status. Society claims that marriage will hold us back from attaining success in the workplace, a higher stats, and a profitable future. Yet, fighting through obstacles trains us in the art of stubborn dedication to a task. What could be more beneficial in attaining all of these things?
Furthermore, we all -- feminist, humanist, sexist alike -- want to achieve something. We want to leave a legacy and we dream of making the world a better place. Starting a family is an opportunity to change the world. What are we waiting for?