Pushing Through the Last Two Months of School | The Odyssey Online
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Pushing Through the Last Two Months of School

How can we stay motivated with the sun shining outside?

Pushing Through the Last Two Months of School

It's March now. But in Indiana it's still bitter and cold with snow on the ground. Elementary, middle, and high schools are all having delays but we, college students, still have to suck it up and walk to class.

The only good thing about March is spring break and the fact that the semester is coming to a close. Spring break is over now and it's back to sleepless nights and endless hours of studying. How can we break this lifestyle with some positives?

Well, the sun was shining this morning through my window so I would definitely say that put me in a good mood.

We need to get out more, the weather will warm up which means, "Hey let's walk to the frats instead of waiting hours for a ride."

Tis the season for summer concerts, so let's shop till we drop for cute dresses.

Let's start planning for our HOUSE next year. What kind of pillows do we want for the couch in the living room? Start a group text with your future roomies.

Guess what! All of those seasonal restaurants and ice cream places are opening... which means CUTE DATES with your BF or your BFFs.

You can finally roll your windows down and scream HALLELUJAH the sun is out.

Easter, get ready for every single person on your feed that will post a picture of their family saying: “I love my family so much. #Easter." Yeah, that's the first time this school year they went to church. Which also means, lent is over so EAT!

The parties, my oh my the parties. Whether it's your country friends literally making a fire in the front yard of their place (I don't suggest this) or the frats hosting some sort of activity outside, it's happening. It's here.

Time to show off those bodies you've been working on all winter. You'll be looking like a whole new woman walking out in your high waisted shorts like every other girl.

But ultimately you're going to be preparing yourself for finals because you failed all of your midterms because you were too busy thinking about spring break. Now it's go time because if you fail these, your GPA is in the gutter along with your college career. So get your butt to the library and study.

Just think how of relaxing your summer will be if you pass all of your finals with flying colors and the weather is nice so you can finally show your skin and not be called names.

You got this.

As Leslie Knope would say:

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