WARNING - This is a common pessimistic phrase—> “Be real and stop dreaming." May you NEVER, EVER, EVER, adapt to this phrase because it is just an excuse for not achieving your goals.
The majority of times, as the dreamers that we are, we listen to people when they speak about their aspirations. Pessimism seems to be intrinsic to their minds… and you can only ask yourself: why?
When overhearing pessimistic thoughts, ideas, goals and mindset, one can only think about how people can acquire such types of perspectives. To understand this, it is important to reason that many beliefs are based off of myths and they are passed on through the years! These beliefs begin to negatively impact people from the moment they are born. They start receiving all of this new knowledge from the world, their parents, and the environment, that they begin to grow accordingly to what they experience. In some harsh cases, there are few people who can withstand their surroundings and grow to their full potential.
Having thought about all of these situations, we may comprehend that it is those beliefs that outline and shape our mindsets to what they may become later on in life.
Pessimists usually see the goals that are outside of their comfort zones or out of their reach such as 'too expensive, too far, too much to handle, etc,' and they simply stick to these ideas and don't pursue their goals. They simply leave their lives as they are and stay stuck in the same place where they started.
To change this, for pessimists - it is important that you realize how important and bright your dream is! Once you realize how usefulness it is to the world, you become motivated to pursue it. One of the essential keys to paving success is to have discipline.
Your discipline paves the journey of achievements and prosperity. It is you who can change the world with your projects and new viewpoints. Make sure you utilize your time going after all of your aspirations because at the end... it is those aspirations that brought and shaped your life to be what you intend it to be.
Dreamers (like you and me)... have hope and believe in the positive changes and arrangements of modern society. And as considered, we may influence and inspire with actions, words, and behavior.
- So, for the next time you hear or read pessimistic thoughts, just remember that with your actions and behavior, that person is being inspired. You can contribute so much to the world by simply pursuing your goals with discipline and disposition.
All of the negative people that think they cannot accomplish their dreams because those dreams are just too high or far away will drift from their antagonistic and denying attitude to achieve something greater... something that they will be proud of.
Help the world by believing in your dreams... because no dream is too high, no mountain is too steep, and no goal is invalidated without your consent.
Speak words of wisdom and of encouragement and you will change the world for that pessimist, who didn't believe in his/her dream.
The advances of society improve life as we know it. A constantly evolving world in which we reside awaits for more innovators and believers to continue improving the ways of living. As a civilization, we ought to find what vastness exists beyond our minds and our mundane boundaries! For this, the commitment to believe in the dreams that our hearts generate is profound and if we do so, we will have already completed the best challenge of all - believing in yourself.
Watch Elon Musk talk about the path he paved towards the succesful person he is right now. :)
--Astrophysics Angie (10/7/2016)-3am