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16 Celebrity Couples To Obsess Over Post Miley & Liam

We can all get through this breakup together.

16 Celebrity Couples To Obsess Over Post Miley & Liam

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On August 10, the world was shocked when it was announced that the American singer-songwriter Miley Cyrus and Australian actor Liam Hemsworth are breaking up after less than a year of marriage and almost 10 years together off and on. Hemsworth later filed for divorce from Cyrus citing "irreconcilable differences" about two weeks later.

A representative of Cyrus confirmed the separation by explaining that "Liam and Miley have agreed to separate at this time. Ever-evolving, changing as partners and individuals, they have decided this is what's best while they focus on themselves and careers. They still remain dedicated parents to all of their animals they share while lovingly taking this time apart. Please respect their process and privacy."

Couples are just one of the things that people love to obsess about in the celebrity world. Fans of both celebrities in the relationship want to know ever detail about them as a couple.

As sad as we all are right now after this breakup, we need to start the process of moving on. Here are some more celebrity couple to obsess over to fill the void of not having Miley and Liam in our lives.

Vanessa Hudges & Austin Butler

Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner

Nick Jonas & Priyanka Chopra Jonas

Teyana Taylor & Iman Shumpert

Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello

Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis

Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefani

Ellen DeGeneres & Portia de Rossi

Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel

John Legend & Chrissy Teigen

Kim Kardashian West & Kanye West

Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott

Ciara & Russell Wilson

Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith

Halsey & Yungblud

Dua Lipa & Anwar Hadid

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