The Pope Slams Donald Trump
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The Pope Slams Donald Trump

The latest "celebrity feud": Donald Trump versus Pope Francis?

The Pope Slams Donald Trump

If you thought Donald Trump had exhausted the list of people he could make enemies of, never fear! He now has managed to get even the Pope to be a bit sassy towards him--well, as sassy as the Pope can ever get.

We've all--except for those of you living under a rock (in which case you have my condolences for having such a horrid living space)--heard Trump's infamous boast:

"I will build a great wall. And nobody does walls better than me. Very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and I will have Mexico pay for that wall."

This boast has already been absolutely disproved. Former Mexican President Calderon says:

"Mexican people, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall! And it's going to be completely useless. "

He also goes on to say Trump is not well-informed and that the US would actually be a loser if such a wall was constructed.

So Mexico's said it's two cents about, well, not wanting to pay even two cents. And of course American politicians have discussed this at length already.

Now apparently someone has decided to ask the Pope his thoughts. You might think that the Pope, being diplomatic and religious, would find some way of answering without actually answering straight so as to be polite.

But this time, he didn't hold back.

"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.”

Damn. You might wonder if this matters. A person's religion shouldn't be a consideration when running for presidency, but it's safe to say that especially in the Republican Party, Christianity is still an unfair requirement.

Now this isn't going to convince all Christians. Particularly not ones like Representative Susan DeLemus of New Hampshire who publicly said, "The Pope is the anti-Christ. Do your research." (She later amended it to say papacy, which would then refer to all Popes).

I did my research as she suggested and yep, that picture above totally looks like the current Pope. The resemblance is just absolutely stunning.

Not that her claim is new. As the Catholic Church leans liberal, certain Protestant groups are very against it and the Pope specifically. So anything the Pope says will just convince those sorts of people that if the "anti-Christ" is against Trump, well then that's all the more reason to vote for him.

But how about those who do not believe that the Pope is the anti-Christ? Well, Catholics make up a significant percent of America's population, about 21% currently.

And the Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church. It's rather unprecedented for a Pope to purposefully try to sway American votes for a presidential election, but for other votes, the position certainly has a high level of influence.

So far, Catholics - even Trump supporters - are supporting the Pope on this from a sampling done in Boston and New York. Some of the more loyal Trump supporters though are finding ways of reconciling their Catholic faith with their support in Trump, claiming the media is misrepresenting his words, asked leading questions to back him in the corner, claiming Trump doesn't mean to literally build walls, etc.

And there's this bit too, where the Pope softens his first statement a bit, not wanting to be too direct.

"As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he says things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt."

So he's not going to tell Catholics how to vote, but yeah, he's essentially telling us not to vote Trump.

And from here the story only gets more ridiculous. Trump of course came up with a press release in response--what, you thought he would humbly accept criticism?

And it's... a whole different level. Apparently the Vatican is ISIS's "trophy", and will be attacked, but Trump would have eradicated ISIS, so the Pope will have "only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President."

If Trump's all we have protecting the Vatican being destroyed by ISIS, then it's doomed.

Then he goes on to pretty much say that the Pope doesn't know what's going on in Mexico, whereas of course Trump is "wise to them."

The one thing I sort of have to agree with is when Trump says "For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful". I would normally agree with such a statement. But maybe there's exceptions to every rule.

He also called the Pope Mexico's "pawn" and has previously made comments about the Pope being a politician.

And of course the Pope had a witty, albeit a bit confusing, response to that as well.

“Thank God he said I was a politician, because Aristotle defined the human person as ‘animal politicus.’ So at least I am a human person. As to whether I am a pawn — well, maybe, I don’t know. I’ll leave that up to your judgment and that of the people.”

When in doubt, go with being Aristotelian?

But he has an excellent point. He's not playing politics here. He is concerned as a human being about the moral and social implications of such a wall. The Pope's job is to build bridges in the community, which Pope Francis has been doing both within and outside of the Catholic community.

Not that Trump is going to see it that way.

As this has all just happened within the past week, I'm sure there's more to come. Unless Trump and his supporters decide to let bygones be bygones. Somehow, I don't quite picture that happening.

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