Driving can be scary, stressful, tiring, or fun. Depending on the person you are you may follow every single rule in the book or you may brush a few off. Let's get one thing straight. Those rules are rules for a reason. Most rules are to keep you and others safe.
I see this happening EVERYWHERE. People are constantly texting and driving. Is it really that important?
Not using your turn signal.
This one really aggravates me. I absolutely hate when I'm on the highway and someone merges without using their signals. How am I supposed to know you're going to merge right in front of me?
Not being able to park in the lines.
This is just unacceptable
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I understand that sometimes parking can be hard. It may be a tight space or an awkward angle. That doesn't mean you can park however you want. I'm not the best at parking but if it really sucks, I'll readjust myself. It's that simple.
Not slowing down at a pedestrian walkway.
First of all, this one is for all the horrible drivers who constantly refuse to stop for the crosswalk when I'm walking to school. I'm the type of person that will wait till almost no cars are around to hit the blinking lights to cross. And yet, I still have people almost hit me as I'm crossing. Most crosswalks are in a 15-35 mph zones so it isn't that hard to stop for these crosswalks. Just please stop trying to kill me on my way to school.
Road Raging.
I know driving can be stressful. After having a long day, you just want to go home and stop dealing with idiotic people. I get it. While you're driving try to stay calm. Road rage only leads to accidents and making others unhappy. Try to understand that everyone has a destination and they're probably tired of driving too.
Littering out the window.
Littering isn't acceptable anywhere. Not only will you get fined if caught but it's also horrible for the environment. If you accumulate so much trash in your car then keep a small trash bag to put all of it in. Don't throw it out the window.
Going a lot under or a lot over the speed limit.
Going under the speed limit is just annoying and it's a traffic violation. Other drivers may think there's something wrong. It also causes other drivers to get angry and then they might get aggressive. Going over the speed limit is dangerous for obvious reasons. It makes it hard for you to stop or get out of the way of obstacles in the road. The speed limit is the speed limit for a reason. If you can't follow it, then get off the roads.
Driving under the influence.
People can barely drive sober so why drive under the influence? This is really unsafe for you and others around you. If you decide to go out and drink, please get a DD.
Aggressively switching lanes.
People that aggressively switch lanes throughout traffic are so dangerous. Every time I get on a highway, there's always that one person who can't seem to stay in one lane. They weave in and out of vehicles causing some to slow down. You really won't get to your destination much faster by doing that. If anything, you're making traffic a lot worse.
Getting distracted by everything that is happening in your car.
Sometimes it's hard to focus on the road when you have people in the car or other annoyances. I know when I have a bug in the car I usually freak out. My best advice is to pull over if something in the vehicle is bothering you. If your baby is crying, pull over and check on them. Don't turn around to look what's happening or reach behind you to fix it. Just pull over. It's safer for everyone.
We have all done at least one of these things sometime or another. My goal is to make others aware of how dangerous these things can be. In my 20 years of living, I know way too many people killed in car accidents. So let's change what we're doing and choose safer actions.