4 Underground Artists Everybody In Pittsburgh Should Know
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4 Underground Artists Everybody In Pittsburgh Should Know

City gameshakers.

4 Underground Artists Everybody In Pittsburgh Should Know
Hip Hop Fights Back

Those who were born and/or raised in Pittsburgh know that, like many cities, we are known for quite a few things, from our language, dialect and food to our sports teams and some famous landmarks. Pittsburgh is a city that is rich in culture and history. However, when it comes to music, especially hip hop, we are a city that often gets overlooked even though we've had our fair share of successful Pittsburgh native hip-hop artists, such as Wiz Khalifa, Mac Miller, Chevy Woods and Hardo. Inspired by XXL Magazine Freshman Class, below is a list of underground artists with the potential to be next on the rise.

1. Kiera Manus (Ki Lyrics/Lord Lyrics)

Let's begin with Kiera Manus, also known as Ki Lyrics or Lord Lyrics.

Although there is a successful past and current presence of female emcees, such as MC Lyte, Queen Latifah, Lauryn Hill, Lil Kim, Missy Elliot and Nicki Minaj, there still seems to be a never-ending struggle for female emcees. Almost anyone would agree that the bar is set much higher for females than it is for males. Female emcees are still expected to portray an image and release music that is overly sexualized. But honestly, ask yourself this: does the world seriously want to hear another female rap about her sexual capabilities and physique? No, not really. It is important for us ladies to know that our struggles and our voices are equally being represented some way, some how. Although she does not have a series of projects out, now that the summer is here, it is only a matter of time. Ki Lyrics's lyrical content, flow, delivery, punchlines and appreciation for both old school and new school hip hop is something that is admirable, respected and appreciated. Her ability to stand her ground when rapping next to male emcees is also quite a sight to see and leaves you wanting more. Her record "What I Got" featuring Young Nate is a perfect example of this. "What I Got" is a record that is sarcastic yet witty. The two MC's go tic for tac demanding your respect and your attention. "Do you like what I got?" Lyrics sarcastically asks during the chorus. And, of course, you do. How could you not? Each delivery and punchline hits right in your face. Not to mention, her flow is perfect for this fast pace and hard-hitting record. I knew the moment I heard her remix to Mobb Deeps's "Quiet Storm" that this woman could potentially be a problem for some of today's' current heavy hitters, both male and female. Sometimes, all it takes is that one cover that can change everything. You hear stories about it all the time. Out of all the covers she has released, my personal favorite would probably have to be her cover of "Sweetest Thing." Honestly, I was worried once I heard she remixed this classic record. But, not only does Ki Lyrics pay homage to Lauryn, but she also maintains the same mellow vibe Lauryn does in the original, all while making the record her own.

Ki Lyrics's music can be found here.

2. Naetron McCrae (YoungNate/Wildman)

The next emcee currently on my radar is Naetron McCrae, otherwise known as YoungNate or Wildman. There are a few reasons why YoungNate is on my radar and why he should be on yours, too. If you are a fan of Meek Mill or Kendrick Lamar, you will enjoy this emcee. The biggest thing that caught my attention about this MC was his lyrical content and flow. After a few listens and replays of his songs on YouTube as well as SoundCloud, his artist name was clearly reflected in his music. Since the tender age of 10, this emcee has been working and studying the art of rap and still to this day is perfecting an image that he feels is best. Not to mention, it's easy for listeners to tell in "Lord Knows" and "When I Lost It" where he gives a formal introduction into who he is and what he hopes to become. I immediately became a fan when he released "When I Lost It," a record that I guarantee will bring tears to your eyes and give you chills. It is a record that is unapologetic yet poetic and bold. His ability to be vulnerable is admirable because it is often seen as "uncool" in music today. Anyone who grew up in a rough neighborhood can understand the frustration, but the sense of hope, in his voice. As much as I do hate to compare artists, Young Nate's bravado is hard to ignore, thus the name Wildman. He has a presence in his music videos and a voice that demands respect. One thing I would love to see is a Meek Mill collaboration.

YoungNate's music can be found on YouTube, SoundCloud or here.

3. Mike Hendy

What caught my attention about this next emcee, Mike Hendy, is his outspokenness and passion. I was first introduced to this emcee formally through his EPK video, "Who Is Mike Hendy?" He is an artist who has truly started from ground zero and has developed a bit of a following for himself. Set to schedule for the legendary Wu-Tang Clan on July 7, it will not be a surprise if this would be a start to his mainstream career. With connections in Atlanta, Miami, Nevada, New Jersey, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, I truly believe he maybe the next emcee to emerge out of Pittsburgh. "Who Is Mike Hendy?" gives viewers an inside look of his life on the road, interviews, performances and even him in the studio. Critics can not deny the amount of love and support he is receiving. Mike Hendy is not an emcee that focuses on punchlines but is an emcee that focuses more of his attention and time on lyrical content and flow. Mike Hendy uses the platform he has created to produce and release music that is true to who he is as a person, as well as an opportunity to speak on issues that unfortunately are still happening in 2016. He does all of this while still showing love and appreciation to old school hip hop and those artists that came before him. While I have yet to listen to his album "Legendary," his performances and some of his records that I have found on YouTube made me a fan.

Mike Hendy music can be found on YouTube.

4. Matthew Madison (Matty C)

Last, but certainly not least, there's Matthew Madison, also known as Matty C. It's been difficult trying to find the right words that best describe this emcee, because words do not do his artistry justice. His projects, "The Uprise" and "2016", show that his goal is to appease to the mind, body and soul. They are two projects that are classic, timeless and not meant for the weak-minded. Lyrical content and flow are Matty's strong suits. This emcee does not spend a lot of time focusing on punchlines and "catch phrases" but instead focuses on becoming the best student he can be in this game of hip hop. Fans of J.Cole, Wale or Drake will appreciate the level of maturity in his music.

Matty C's music can be found on SoundCloud.

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