types of people you meet in the elevator
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The 5 Types Of People You Will Find On Every Elevator You Step In At Work

After a few months of working the same shift, you start to notice things.


Having a 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. shift certainly isn't a cakewalk, and it doesn't usually make for the most fast-paced or interesting day. What is interesting, however, is what I've begun to notice every morning I step into the elevator at 7:25 a.m., accompanied by four other people. You know that there are different types of people on airplanes, types of people in group chats, types of drivers on the freeway, but have you ever taken a good look at the types of people who get into your work elevator with you?

Type 1: The Talker

Usually, when you walk into a crowded elevator in the wee hours of the morning, the other people who walk in with you are quiet. You might exchange a casual, "Good morning" or "Hot out there, isn't it?", but no one is starting up a lively conversation... except for this person- the talker. The talker is most often the woman who rushes in just as the doors have begun to close and immediately turns to the person on her right to tell them the story of how her son, a straight-A student who's received offers from several prominent schools in the US, wants to go on a camping trip with his friends and was begging her to let him take the car last night. Honestly, you're a little amazed she manages to fit so much information into a small window of opportunity before she gets off on the floor below you.

Type 2: The Tower


You know that one person who has to stand in the middle of the elevator, while everyone else nests in the corners? That person, more often than not, is the tower- usually, an exceptionally tall and large man, whose hair often gets smushed against the elevator ceiling. This guy, while very kind and courteous, takes up 50% of the elevator space just by himself, so it's a relief to everyone when he gets off the elevator on the third floor.

Type 3: The Starer


If you've ever thought about raising your head during an elevator ride and taking a quick look around at the other riders, DON'T. Chances are, you'll meet the eyes of the one person who never looks down during elevator rides- the starer. *Shudder* The starer, while probably unaware they even do this, effectively creeps everybody else on the elevator out by gazing at them intently, with unblinking eyes. Whether they just like to people-watch or whether they really are a stalker coming to hunt you down later, everyone involuntarily breathes a sigh of relief when this person steps off.

Type 4: The Awkward


Ah, this is where I, and possibly you, come in. The awkward one is the person who, quite honestly, has no clue where to look when walking into an elevator. Being the type who would rather stay silent than carry on a 5-second conversation with someone else, we turn our heads towards the floor or the walls, or, if we're VERY awkward, the ceiling. Huddled in our corner, we simply wait for the elevator to arrive at our floor, without a peep to anyone else.

Type 5: The Texter


If you're a college student, chances are this is also you. Feeling a sense of security in clutching their phone and typing away at it, the texter automatically pulls their phone out the moment they step into an elevator and begins to, well, text. They may not even be having a real conversation at the moment. They may just be typing out a ridiculously long message to the first person in their recent contacts, so they will look like they're busy and will have something to do besides stare at the floor until the elevator door opens onto their floor. I've totally never done this, of course... *cough*.

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