Why We All Need People In Our Corner | The Odyssey Online
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Why We All Need People In Our Corner

So, to the people in my corner, thank you.

Why We All Need People In Our Corner
Mary Day

A few weeks ago, I attended a bible study in my sorority. At closing, the leader asked if anyone had any prayer concerns, or if she could simply play over all of us. She encouraged us to text her with any prayer concerns throughout the week, and referred to the people praying over her and us as the "people in our corner."

This idea really stuck with me. While I may I pray daily, and pray for people daily, rarely do I ever stop to think about all of the people that have prayed over me.

The encouraging texts and letters before big games or big tests, or in tough times or celebrations that say "praying for you" have always comforted me greatly, but not until I really started to think about all of the "people in my corner" did I realize just how much those prays have really done.

So, to the people in my corner, thank you.

These prayers have impacted us in ways I will never fully realize. As humans, we can never actually accomplish or even overcome a single thing on our own because all that we are comes from something outside and so much bigger than ourselves.

In realizing this, we realize just how much the people in our corner have blessed us. By stepping in on our behalf with the Lord, they have given us the blessings of grace, strength, courage, comfort, guidance, and all they had to do was send up a few words.

Although we will never know those exact words, or every prayer from every person, or exactly what or how God responded to those prayers, we know that He has. He responds to every prayer, and those responses have changed and shaped our lives and brought us to where we are today.

The people in our corner may not have been speaking to us in certain situations, but they haven't been silent. They have been actively working to change our life for the better.

So like that leader said, why not add more people to your corner? Why not send up a prayer and jump into someone else's? It may seem like a small thing. It may often go unnoticed. It may also be one of the easiest things we can do for someone else. It most definitely is one of the most impactful differences we can make.

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