Penn Badgley Is Back Again In The Netflix Original 'You' And Not Much Has Changed | The Odyssey Online
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Penn Badgley Is Back Again In The Netflix Original 'You' And Not Much Has Changed

With a troubled past and a clouded mindset, Joe Goldberg only has one mission in his life and that is to love Guinevere Beck.

Penn Badgley Is Back Again In The Netflix Original 'You' And Not Much Has Changed

Dating back to September 19th, 2007, we met Dan Humphries (Penny Badgley) an original fan favorite on 'Gossip Girl' who took the world by storm with his enchanting looks and heartthrob actions which made him a character to remember. Throughout the series, his character was keeping the biggest kept secret from his friends which meant constantly speaking about them on an online blog as well as keeping this anonymous feature to himself while available to the general public. Although many of his peers had speculations that this anonymous person titled "Gossip Girl" could have been a number of different people in their inner and outer circle, they never believed that Dan Humphries would be the convict. As the series continued they finally came to the conclusion that he was the one dictating their lives online and creating all of this drama within their inner circle.

It doesn't end there, the new hit Netflix Series 'You' invites audiences everywhere to experience the acting and portrayal of Joe Goldberg by Penn Badgley once again as this thriller takes us by surprise at every second of the series. With a troubled past and a clouded mindset, Joe Goldberg only has one mission in his life and that is to love Guinevere Beck, portrayed by Elizabeth Lail. This sweet romantic love, in the beginning, turns into an obsession which quickly becomes creepy and unsettling to the eye. We see this new present character pick up slightly on the weird and crazy actions that the 'Gossip Girl' character could have done as well but never to this extent.

We try to sympathize with Joe Goldberg within the film as he creates a somewhat healthy relationship with a younger boy Paco (Luca Padovan) which turns into something a bit less lighthearted towards the end of the series due to a difficult, horrifying decision. This relationship makes us smile at some points while also creating concern for Paco due to the deep skeletons in Joe's closet that he is holding close and far away from the young boy. Yet, we are also heavily relieved that Joe only slips up and effects Paco once throughout the series. As viewers, we are always at the edge of our seats wondering what will happen next and this especially happens throughout 'You'.

This series not only highlights the issues that Joe Goldberg has about his deep-seated past, yet we are also immersed into the environment of a vulnerable yet strong woman, Guinevere Beck who has had an extremely difficult childhood yet uses her passions of writing to heal and progress. Although some of her tendencies aren't healthy, she is connected with toxicity throughout her whole life. At every chance that she has, Beck does her absolute best to get away from all of it. Little does she know that she is constantly putting herself back into those situations by trusting the wrong people.

Overall, this Netflix series is a major hit due to the writers and directors assembling themes that are still shocking and surprising us as viewers and giving us things that we haven't necessarily seen before. They are incorporating obsession, fear, passion, and love into this story which gives the audience something to hold on to and develop various opinions due to the emotional rollercoaster that is built throughout the series.

'You' is definitely one of my favorite Netflix series of all time, Is it yours?

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