"Patriot's Day" Is A Tribute to Heroes and Survivors
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"Patriot's Day" Is A Tribute to Heroes and Survivors

It might not be a pleasant movie to watch, but it's an important one.

"Patriot's Day" Is A Tribute to Heroes and Survivors
Entertainment Weekly

A movie like “Patriot’s Day” often begs the question of how soon is too soon. Films based on true events are nothing new. They’ve been around since the dawn of cinema. But timing is everything. Making a movie so soon after a tragedy occurs is a risky move, seeing how people don’t want to relive the day. It can also be a dangerous move if the subject matter isn’t handled properly.

This is why I was hesitant about seeing “Patriot’s Day.” The horrific attack the film covers happened only a short time ago, and I thought the studios needed to wait a few more years before putting the story on screen. So I understand why people aren’t super gung-ho about it. But after seeing the film for myself, I can assure you that there’s nothing to worry about.

The film takes place during and after the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing. It follows a slew of characters - such as Boston Police Sergeant Tommy Saunders (Mark Wahlberg), Commissioner Ed Davis (John Goodman), police chief Jeffrey Pugliese (J.K. Simmons), and FBI agent Richard DesLauriers (Kevin Bacon) – as they conduct a massive manhunt for the men responsible. The clock is ticking. The terrorists are ready to strike again, but the strength and bravery of the Boston community proves that good will always persevere.

If there’s anyone who can tell this kind of story right, it’s Peter Berg. I’ve been a big fan of his for years, and with “Patriot’s Day,” he knocks it out of the park yet again. This is a tight, intense thriller that pays respect to the heroes and survivors of the Boston Bombing without painting everything black and white. The film’s patriotic spirit definitely shines through - as most of Berg’s films do - and it never feels cheesy or overbearing. It doesn’t shy away from the brutally graphic nature of the attack, but at the same time, it doesn’t focus solely on the violence. Rather, Berg steers our attention to the effort and cooperation of the Boston community.

I was locked in as soon as the movie started. Everything feels so in the moment, so urgent. The film presents real footage side-by-side with the dramatizations, which gives it a greater sense of realism. The movie is just over two hours long, but the minutes just flew by. After a while, I forgot I was watching a movie. I was there that day, watching real people go through a horrific ordeal and come together to overcome it.

The acting from everyone is great. Wahlberg is once again amazing, as are Kevin Bacon, Goodman, and the rest. But the performances that stood out to me were those of Alex Wolff and newcomer Themo Melikidze as the Tsarnaev brothers. It would’ve been so easy to portray them as the stereotypical, mustache-twirling Jihadist bad guys. Instead, we get a glimpse into their day-to-day lives. The actors do an excellent job at conveying the manipulative and turbulent relationship between the brothers. It also helps that they look identical to the guys in real life. Most importantly, they felt human. While we never come to empathizing with the terrorists, we gain some sort of understanding of who they are and why they decided to do what they did.

Overall, I encourage everyone to see “Patriot’s Day.” It’s thrilling, it’s sad, it’s scary, but it’s also optimistic. In a time where it feels like the world is growing more and more divided, this film is a reminder of how an entire community can come together. It doesn’t hold back, nor does it pander to a Left or Right side. It just tells it how it is. “Patriot’s Day” may not be a pleasant film to watch, but it is an important one.

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