You know the struggle. Leaving your off-campus apartment an hour and a half before your class starts because you KNOW that finding a parking spot isn't going to be easy. No matter how much we complain, FSU still hasn't built another parking garage yet. I've even had teachers complain about waiting an insane amount of times to find parking. The parking situation is so bad that people will follow you to your car just to wait for your spot. My favorite part of parking on-campus is the "stand-off." Two cars will face each other on opposite ends of a parked car about to leave and turn their blinkers on for the same spot. Who will win today's showdown? I don't know, but here are 25 things I'd rather do than try to fight that losing game.
Walk in the 95 degree heat.
Take a class at 8am.
Skip class.
Live with a random roommate.
Take cold showers.
Have the same song stuck in my head for days.
Clean my room.
Drink an entire bottle of hot sauce.
Eat only McDonald's for a month.
Write an essay.
Watch the same episode of "American Idol"Â over and over again.
Get sunburnt.
Drop my phone in water.
Have a broken down car.
Shave my legs twice a day.
Wash my hair once a week.
Drink Ketchup.
Get shampoo in my eye.
 Poke myself in the eye with a mascara wand.
Believe me. I've done it and it's extremely painful.
Have a pimple on the middle of my forehead
Never eat ice cream again.
Get blood drawn.
I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
Be allergic to the sun.
Wear Blue and Orange.
This one is the worst of all. I can't think of a less flattering color combination.