Panic! At the Disco Music Relatable to College Students | The Odyssey Online
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6 Panic! At the Disco Songs That Describe Every Day In The Week Of A Typical College Student

"And there's only memories, when it's over..."

6 Panic! At the Disco Songs That Describe Every Day In The Week Of A Typical College Student

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You'd be lying if you're a college student and said you didn't relate to Panic! At the Disco's iconic hits. Like, Panic! has probably got you covered with a song that describes every day of your week, nonetheless the five hundred moods you go through in that one week. Because let's be real, our happiness turns to stress as quickly as our iPhones skip from "High Hopes" to "Dying in LA."

Here are the six best to describe that typical week, though, in my opinion:

Monday: "Dying in LA"


If Monday mornings had background music, it would be to this song. Except for the fact, you're not dying in LA, but dying in your dorm room because your alarm has gone off for the fifth time in a row, and you realize you have to get out of bed and go to class. Sigh.

Tuesday: "High Hopes"


Look at that — you went from "Dying in LA" to having "High Hopes" for the rest of the week!!! And for that typical Tuesday exam you probably have today. Yay, let me just go fake it 'till I make it with my ridiculously high hopes for passing this thing.

Wednesday: "Victorious"


What an anthem to listen to when you see that somehow, someway, you passed that exam, got that paper in, and attended three club meetings! Maybe this week won't be as bad as you thought... Now it's almost time to "turn up the crazy" because "tonight we are victorious"!!

Thursday: "Old Fashioned"


Ah, the week is finally chilling out. Fewer exams, fewer papers, fewer assignments. Time to remember my youth as the best of times... because it's Thursday, and I'm pretending all those panic attacks over my grades and all-nighters with my textbook (literally 24 hours) totally didn't happen.

Friday: "Hey Look Ma, I Made It"


Classes are done. The weekend is here. Deep breath. Call the fam. Tell them I passed that exam, and I made it through another typical college week. Yay me!

Saturday: "Saturday Night"


Time to go have some fun, while we all pretend that stress doesn't exist LOL!

Sunday: ...


I stand corrected. The moment Panic! At the Disco writes a song about laying in bed watching Netflix all day, then they will have a song that perfectly describes every day in the week of a typical college student. Regardless, though, you can still catch me panicking at the disco with this relatable jams!

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